many people have found new ways to exercise at home. there are some advantages and disadvantages





where:all round of the world

when:from Dec 2019 to now



Disease:coronavirus disease

Virus:severe acute respiratory syndrome soronavirus 2

any weather

no team sports(basketball,football and volleyball etc)

no anything professional training

this brand-new virus can be transmitted between humans through droplets and contact

people ate some infected animals

how to affect people activity?

save money

not easy to be infect the Covid 19

why it is not easy to be infect?

people can't do exercise in outside just stay at their home, it is reduce crowd density.

what weather affect?

in the bad weather day, people also can keep exercise by some fitness equipment.

New: people more difficult to get Covid 19 because of people reduce crowd density.

New: people can keep exercise in the bad weather day by using the fitness equpment at home.

how to save money?

people can buy some fitness equpment and they don't need to pay high membership fees for gyms

New:People can save money for the high membership fees for gym room.

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Ans:People are unable to carry out their group activities due to government restrictions on the number of personnel and venue prohibitions

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why they don't have professional training?

Ans:people can't do some gravity training and professional training at home.

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New:People can't do some gravity training and professional training at home.

Affect neighbors

how to affect neighbors?

People do some vigorous exercise can cause noise and nuisance to neighbors.

New:people do some vigorou exercise may affect their neighbors by the noise.