TRADE: Due to the massive expansion of globalization, trade has been drastically changed. countries around the world trade: goods, services, money, capitol, investments. These trades not only impact the economy but the cultures of the affected countries. These countries trade because of the scarcity of some products in their countries and because some countries specialize in certain products, this is called specialization. Also, counties have comparative advantages, some will have access to boat ports and other countries do not.
Geographic Information System: This is a device that helps prevent global warming, and also helps police to see criminal activity and where it is the highest and lowest. This software runs on computers.
EXAMPLE OF SPECIALIZATION: Côte D'Ivoire is a country in southern africa. They specialize in cacao beans, and their economy is based off them. The climate is perfect for them to grow. They export cacao beans to places all around the world.
Imports: Imports are when a country will receive a product from another country or company. For example, we import a lot of fish to colorado from our surrounding states.
Exports: Exports are products coming out of a country and being EXPORTED to another, for example countries on the coast export fish to countries that are landlocked.