The 19th century AD. C. (nineteenth century after Christ) or nineteenth century e. c. (19th century of the Common Era) was the 9th century of the 2nd millennium in the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 1801 and ended on December 31, 1900. It is called the "century of industrialization". [Citation needed]
The fundamental characteristic of this century is to be a period of great change. Science and economics would feed back into each other, the term ‘scientific’, coined in 1833 by William Whewell, 1 2 would be a fundamental part of the language of the time; the economy would undergo two strong industrial revolutions, the first occurring between 1750 and 1840, and the second between 1880 and 1914.3 In politics, the new ideas of the previous century would lay the foundations for bourgeois revolutions, revolutions that would spread throughout the world through imperialism and would seek an alliance with the workers' movement to which, in order to avoid its triumph, they would grant universal suffrage; in philosophy, the principles of most of the contemporary currents of thought would emerge, currents such as absolute idealism, dialectical materialism, nihilism and nationalism; art would take time to start the avant-garde process but would remain grounded in movements such as impressionism. At the end of this century, cinematography and animation emerged thanks to the great technological advances of the time.