Globalization and Trade
Arab Spring was a uprising movement of protest because of the bad living standards in the Middle east
Asylum is when a political refugee leaves there home and gets sanctity from another country
Balance of trade the contrast between one countries imports and exports
Brain drain is a term for people in more rural outskirts to have less of an education and opportunities
capital/investment is money that is used to better a companies goals and could also benefit real estate and manufacturing chains
Carrying capacity the max space or a place can hold
Choke point is a strait or canal that can be closed to stop sea traffic for things to pass
Commodity is an economic good or product that can be bought or sold
Comparative advantage is when an agent will make more but consume less
Container ship is a huge boat that carries either imports or exports to another country
Creative Destruction is the product or process of innovation to replace older used methods
Documented Immigrant is a person who comes to a country with a green card and are permitted into the country
Favela is a town located in Brazil that has rapid growth
Gentrification is the process in which a neighborhood changes for more income residents to move in
Globalization is when organizations help develop goods services capitals technologies so populations can interact around the world
Global supply chains are a type good or service spread throughout many continents and countries networks
Goods items for a consumer needs
Immigrant is a person who goes to another country they do not live in
Imports are when a country receives another country's export which are goods for people to buy
Infrastructure facilities and systems that are apart of a country's government to build things like roads and railways
Losers from globalization means to have low wages and low working conditions
Megacity is a city with a population of over 10 million and is huge
Per capita meaning for each person like a unit for population scale
Primate city is the largest city in a province region town or city
Refugee is a person who is forced to move to another country in seek of a better life
Rural is the countryside
Rural to urban migration – push factors is the why to change to a rural to urban like something that you would want to leave a certain place
Rural to urban migration- pull factors things that attract people to a place
Scarcity short supply of something
Services are public needs or utilities like work
Suburban is a district of a city that is mostly residential
Trade is the action of buying or selling goods and various services
Urban a city or town
Undocumented Immigrant is a person who is not legally allowed into a country because they have no application form or legal documentation of any type
UNHRC is an organization that helps with human rights such as refugees
Winners from globalization means really high wages and good safety restrictions and working conditions
Exports are goods or services sold to another country
Fair Trade is profit for workers in another country that is still developing