Movement & Geography

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Globalization & Trade RS2077_trade-topic c89f0347d0f5b3f24b448148d29a032cb92e0114

Globalization is how countries and people integrate and interact. It impacts politics and culture by exposing people to new ideas and things. For example, the new Avengers movie (Endgame?) is a great example of globalization because they filmed at different places all over the globe and exposed the viewers to new places and ideas.

Trade is how we get goods, services, and money/capitol/investment. We get them by importing and exporting what our country specializes in. Which tends to be what they have a comparative advantage of.

Import is stuff that we bring into the country from other places around the globe

Export is stuff that we send out of the country to other places around the globe

Most of our exports go to Canada

Most of our imports are from China.

Our biggest business partners are China, Mexico, and Canada.

It is important to make sure that the goods we import are Fair Trade because if they aren't then the people who made the raw material for the goods won't get treated fairly.

Trade is also part of globalization because the goods that we trade (export and import) were made through the global supply chain

The global supply chain is how goods are made. For example different parts of phones are made all over the world and then assembled and shipped to you. Another example would be chocolate. Chocolate starts out as cocoa beans that are bought/sold, made into cocoa powder, and then turned into chocolate.

Most things getting shipped are sent on giant cargo ships carrying shipping containers. The boats have to go through choke points to get to where they are going.

Choke points are narrow passages that the ships have to go through to get to their destination.

Somthing to remember when thinking about trade is balance of trade. That is exports minus imports

Rural to urban migration moving-truck-e1564593857652-825x550

Refugees, Asylum seekers, and IDPs refugees

Asylum: protection against danger. Asylum seekers are people who have fled their home country and applied for asylum in another country and/or are still looking for asylum.

People living in rural areas are starting to move to more urban and suburban areas.

Refugees are people who have been forced to flee their home country for fear of their safety.

Internally displaced persons (IDP) are people who have been forced to move to a different location in their home country because they fear for their safety.

The raw materials are also called commodities. The raw and/or unprocessed good that can be bought or sold.

Some push factors are lack of economic opportunity, lack of healthcare, not as many education opportunities. Some pull factors would be more economic opportunities and family ties.

With trade also comes scarcity. Meaning that there might not be enough to go around.

Comparative advantage: what countries specialize in is what they have a comparative advantage of.

More trade=wealthier countries= more money per capita

Per Capita: mor emoney per person on average

When people rush of people moves from rural areas to urban settings then cities need to change their infrastructure so they have a bigger carrying capacity. That leads to gentrification.

Infrastructure is the basic organizational society structure that is needed to keep the city/society up and running. Gentrification is the process to improve and/or renovate a house, building, or area. Carrying capacity is how many people a sciciety can support.

If a city has enough people it can become a primate city or even a megacity.

Primate cities are the largest in the state, region, country, province and is much larger than surrounding cities. A megacity is a city with a population at and/or over 10 million.

With urbanization comes gentrification. To upgrade a section of town you need supplies.

To get those supplies (goods) they need to be shipped. Shipping is a form of globalization.

To make your good you need materials to make it. To get those you need the global supply chain.

To get the supplies needed for the global supply chain you need trade. That means importing and exporting.

To make the good that you you need there needs to be workers (services) to make it.

Brain drain is also a form of trade. Brain drain means to trade inelegant or highly trained people to another country.

A great example of gentrification is in Vancouver. They updated one of their neighborhoods and turned it from a poorer working class place to a high end part of town with a whole bunch of fancy restaurants.

In 2012-2013 the people of northern Africa joined together to try and overthrow their dictators. After they failed many people fled to other countries to escape the wrath of the governments.

Immigrants are people who move to another country for some reason.

Documented immigrants are people who have the correct documents and identification to enter a specific country.

Undocumented immigrants are people who doesn't have the proper documents or identification to enter a specific country.

The global organization responsible for all refugees and their safety/well being is called the UNHCR

Right now most refugees are coming from Syria because of civil unrest, war, and violence