Global Week 2020: Rites of Passage (4E Collaboration)
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Juliet (Israel)
Birth Ceremony
Boys are required to be circumcised one week after birth (Natalie)
Every child gets their names from their godfathers (Cindy)
The birth of a child is an occasion for joyous celebration in Judaism (Carson)
Nahita (India)
They will burn their bodies so as to let the elements return back to the space (Michael Lee)
A ceremony that requires fire. (Keane)
Little boys and girls need to have their hair all cut off at one month old. (Michael Lau)
Najeed (Jordan)
Most of the people in Jordan are Muslims (Jimmy)
Shampooing is an Indian concept (Johnson)
They celebrate around a bonfire when an important journey has passed, such as birthdays (Harry)
The Legal System in Jordan (Anson)
(Sorry Henry, I really don't understand where should your points go under. Can you please add it under the correct branch?)
Even if the criminal is a child, they still treat them as adults (Anson)
Teenage crimes in Jordan (Beatrice)
Boeun (South Korea)
1st Birthday (Ms. Chan)
If a child picks up a pen in the ceremony, it means he/she will be good at learning / studying (Daniel)
Picking up money means he will be rich 🍻 (Dillian)
Funerals (King)
Funerals take place for 3 days. (Sabine)
After three days, the body of the deceased will be put in a coffin (box) and be put on a coach (tour bus) in the luggage compartment, and will be taken for cremation. (Sabine)
Coming of Age Ceremony (Zoe)
Other Guests
Jey (Singapore)
Khad (Mauritus)
Mitch (New Zealand)
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