Five Education Reports In Post Independence
Rahman Talib Report 1960
Education Act 1961
Aminuddin Baki Report 1964
Cabinet Committee Report
Education Act 1996
Headed by Abdul Rahman Talib , Minister of Education, Federation of Malaya in June
1960 to consolidate the education system of the country.
They reviewed the implementation of the National Education Policy contained in the Razak Report and tried to improved the education system in the Federation of Malaya
Malay language as the main medium of instruction in schools
Pre-requisite for potential students entering secondary schools and teacher training college
Incentives were given to those excelled in Malay language
Other recommendations
i) free primary school education
ii) automatic promotion until Form Three
iii) introduction of Standard Five assessment examination
iv) emphasis on Moral education
v) enhancement of vocational and technical education
vi) teaching of Islamic Education (pre-requisite at least 15 pupils)
vii) monitoring of primary schools by School Inspectorate to ensure teaching quality
viii) emphasis on teacher training program
The federal education policy aims to aims to establish a national system of education, to promote the cultural,
economical and political advancement in this country, making the Malay language the national
Education aspects
Primary education
Secondary education
Islamic education
Level of education
primary school education
lower secondary school education
upper secondary school education
education in other educational institution
compulsory for all children of school going age
free for all
offered in national schools and national-type schools
normal lower secondary
normal upper secondary
secondary (approval from MOE)
Only offered if more than 15 Muslim pupils
Taught by t rained Agama teachers
Two periods a week during school hours
1961 the Parliament passed the Education Act based on the Razak Report and the Rahman Taalib Report
A Malaysian laws which enacted to provide for education and for matters connected therewith
WHEREAS acknowledging that knowledge is the key determinant of the destiny and survival of the nation:
WHEREAS the purpose of education is to enable the Malaysian society to have a command of knowledge, skills and values necessary in a world that is highly competitive and globalized, arising from the impact of rapid development in science, technology and information
WHEREAS education plays a vital role in achieving the country’s vision of attaining the status of a fully developed nation in terms of economic development, social justice, and spiritual, moral and ethical strength, towards creating a society that is united, democratic, liberal and dynamic
WHEREAS it is the mission to develop a world-class quality education system which will realize the full potential of the individual and fulfill the aspiration of the Malaysian nation
WHEREAS the National Education Policy is based on the National Philosophy of Education :“Education in Malaysia is an ongoing effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God.
WHEREAS the above policy is to be executed through a national system of education which provides for the national language to be the main medium of instruction, a National Curriculum and common examinations; the education provided being varied and comprehensive in scope and which will satisfy the needs of the nation as well as promote national unity through cultural, social, economic and political development in accordance with the principles of Rukunegara
WHEREAS it is considered desirable that regard shall be had, so far as is compatible with that policy, with the provision of efficient instruction and with the avoidance of unreasonable public expenditure, to the general principle that pupils are to be educated in accordance with the wishes of their parents
In September 1974, the committee was chaired by Dr Mahathir Mohamed also the Deputy Prime Minister.
to review the goals and effectiveness of the present education system for the purpose of meeting manpower needs of the country, both for the short and long terms
. to ensure the education system meets the country’s goals of producing a united disciplined and skilled society
The aim is similar to that of Education Act 1961 and the Hussein Report 1971, which was to promote
national unity
Other recommendations
focus on three basic skills i.e. reading, writing and arithmetic
teaching of English as second language
emphasis on sound spiritual education and other disciplines appropriate
secondary education divided into two streams i.e. academic and vocational
extension of educational opportunities from 9 to 11 years
emphasis on curriculum ala Malaysia
review of Bahasa Malaysia in-service courses
Prepared by Aminuddin Baki who is involved in preparing the Razak Report and Rahman Talib Report
The reasons of this report
Proposed the government to issue that students can only quit school at the age of fifteen.
Provide the student with suitable occupation as soon as they leave school
Provide various occupation opportunity
Introduce various courses in education to cater and produce various technical skills of manpower.
Conduct various education for elementary school
Students are required to follow all compulsory subject and at least one optional subject