Challenge: We need to develop strategies that the Lippincott Library can use to improve the outreach for their research consultation services.
Further questions
Accessibility: Fewer than 10 librarians with specific areas of expertise, student signs up for a specific time
Current problems:
Some approach the library, however, their questions revolve around: "Where to find this resource?" etc. They tend not to return or follow-up on their progress.
Many students don't come to in-person meetings, instead resort to vague email discussions.
Not enough people are aware and using this resource.
Questions raised from "Current Problems"
Are people misunderstanding the service?
Do people find in-person consulting tideous? Why?
Why have promotion strategies failed in the past?
Is there enough availability time slots to suits students' schedule?
Benefits of the service
Involves professionals in their field to help
Improves students' research
Existing Measures
orientation programs
on MyWharton (mainly MBA students)
Funding constraints?
Strategies currently employed?
Promotional Tactics
Find a platform for past clients to share their success with Lipincott library and display the wide array of services and field that fall under the umbrella of research consultation
Reach out to the professoriate about promoting consultation services when they assign research projects (holding guest lectures etc)
Advertise through CURF
Redesign the website - check website for potential issues
Retooling the service description to make it easily comprehendable
Promote the consultants of the library (i.e. achievements, works they have collaborated on and their outcome)
Received a lot of positive feedback
Differentiation strategy? How they are different to "competitors"?
Linked with promoting the success of their clients and the expertise of the consultants