Step 3: Creating a first GOAL (product+outcome)
Once I chose my subtopic of Color Psychology, I needed to identify my goal as to what I want to achieve using knowledge based on my topic. I then brainstormed ideas as to what the purpose of my personal project will be. I realized I want to help aid people, more specifically teenagers, in significant issues that effect a person's mental wellbeing. I wanted to do this because as a teenager myself, I also have high levels of stress, anxiety, problems sleeping, focusing and more, and I am sure many teenagers all around the world also feel the same, especially during our situation of the current pandemic. Thus, through using my artsy and innovative side as well, I made my outcome to be 3 colored lamps emiting special colors into the surroundings of a teenager that can improve different aspects of their mental wellbeing related to that color, coming with a pamphlets that explains the significant impacts.
Step 3: Creating FINAL GOAL (product+outcome)
After much more research and planning, I realised given the circumstances of the COVID-19, It would not be very effective to create lamps that emit different colors as it won't be able to have an effect and improve a large number of people's health but only very few. Thus, I would not also be able to get proper feedback and test out the effectiveness of the lamps especially during the lockdown time. Hence, due to wanting to have an impact on a larger amount of people, I decided to change my product/outcome and thus my overall goal. Thus, my final goal became to create an informative 20 minute video on YouTube that spreads awareness of having a positve mental wellbeing and how to improve it through the use of Chromotherapy by implementing specific colors in one's surroundings. I would focus on 5-6 different problems (Stress, anxiety, being low...) and find solutions as to how to improve and mitiagte these problems to overall improve one's mental wellness. This goal would also incorporate theatrical clips, theatre being another passion of mine.
Step 4: Linking my goal to a GLOBAL CONTEXT
Once I identified a clear and achievable goal through creating a SMART goal and how, where, why and what I want to achieve, I went forward to connecting my goal to one of the 6 Global Contexts. After working out what I want to achieve in my goal, the purpose of it, the impact I want it to have and how i want others to understand my work and what to gain, I selected the most fitting global context, which is Identities and Relationships. This is because it is what my goal directly falls under to improve relationships between people and one's attitude, moods and mindframe to themselves as well. This Global Context is very specific regarding the social and psychological development of people that can improve's one's wellness, thus being perfect for my product. I then proceeded to choose particular exploration points within my global context. The exploration points are given on the right. Finally, I answered key questions regarding why I chose this global context and these exploration points, and how does my project relate to this global context.
personal efficacy; attitudes, motivations, independence; happiness and the good life
physical, psychological and social development, transitions, health and well-being, lifestyle choices
human nature, consciousness and mind
Step 4: PLANNING for Product
Once i have my finalized goal, global contexts, and exploration points, I started to do plan as to what should be incorporated in the video and the different elements. I thus listed out the different elements I will incorporate such as a script, a presentation powerpoint that will be screen recorded, voice memos of me speaking what is said in the script, theatrical video clips (me acting) that will help set the tone and theme of the video, 3-4 videos of people in my target audience talking about their mental wellbeing and more. The script would have everything from what is being said to all the videos and voice memos implemented so it can be a step by step procedure to the steps I need to take beforehand. This will thus tell me everything I need in my product to help achieve my goal.
Step 5: Creating my Success Criteria and Rubric
Once I have finalized all the previous steps as to what I want to achieve in my goal, what impact I want to have on my target audience, I started to create my Success Criteria and Rubric. This will then help me test and see how effective my overall product was on the audience and how well it was made, determing to what extent I achieved my goal.
Step 1: Primary and Secondary Online RESEARCH
The first step in creating my product was to gain a complete knowledge and understanding of Chromotherapy and Color Psychology in order to make me knowledgeable and an expert. This was done through writing a research report incorporating all the information I need to know through reliable sources of articles, websites, videos, blogs and more. I collected information from a range of different sources by people who are also experts in the field (psychologists..) to give me trustworthy information to ensure my product and the colors I mention would have an effect on the target audience successfuly. I incorporated all the citations (MLA8) from the sources I used and also incorporated diagrams, images and more into the research paper.
After collecting all my research from the primary and secondary sources online, I wanted to test the accuracy of the information i have gathered and the knowledge I have learnt on the target audience around me. I did this through creating a 12 question survey where I created a collage of different images of the same color (different color = different question) and a range of choices of feelings, moods and emotions. The people taking the survey would then select what options were applicable as to how they felt when looking at the set of images. This helped me get the effects and impacts of the certain colors on my target audience first hand to see if this was effective, so that I can also use this information in my product to support what I say. I also incorporated questions such as if people had previous knowledge on chromotherapy, and their thoughts on the importance of mental wellbeing to gather further research. Lastly, I added a question where the people taking the survey could select as many options as to what problems THEY face that impacts their mental wellbeing in a negative way. Through this, I knew what problems I must focus on improving and giving solutions to through chromotherapy based on what were the most common ones.
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