Chapter 3: How do we work for the good of society?

Role of the

Role of the

Conduct affairs such as maintaining Internal order and external security

Make decisions which shape the policies and programs that address the needs and interests of society

Can also improve outcomes In society by addressing the needs of their fellow citizens or by responding to Issues and challenges that they care about

Given the authority to govern the country

In maintaining internal order, agencies such as the police, prisons and civil defence forces protect citizens, property and whatever society believes should be protected

To ensure the external security, the government engages agencies such as the army, navy and air force. Thus, potential enemies are deterred (discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences) from attacking Singapore

Ministry of Foreign Affairs also assists In maintaining Singapore's external security through diplomacy

Ensuring Justice

Providing goods and
services for the public

With the presence of the Judiciary, Singaporeans will have the confidence that the courts will judge people fairly

In their daily lives, citizens enjoy benefits from the provision of goods and services for the public. These goods and services are provided for or subsidised by the government so that all citizens can have access to them

Safeguarding the
interests of citizens

Governments implement legislation that safeguards the interests of crisis

Some examples are ensuring that there is no abuse by employers as well as a sense of security In old age

Their participation may often complement government actions

Can influence government policies by providing feedback

Influencing Government

Strengthening citizens'
sense of belonging

Contributing to the
needs to society

Role of Individuals - Every Singaporeans has a role to play In improving the lives of others

Organised groups - For citizens with a common interest. They can greatly help the area of need as they can direct collective efforts, ideas and resources towards their causes

Role of Individuals - Citizen engagement exercise: Our Singapore Conversation (OCS) enabled conversations amongst citizens and between citizens and the government to find out their aspirations for Singapore

Role of organised groups - NGOs can help refine government policies and point to areas which require more attention

By being Involved In the sharing and discussion of views related to the future of SG, citizens can develop a stronger sense of attachment towards Singapore