A great war threatened all of this race, so all of the elderly that couldn't fight offered their blood to help the young to fight, year after year this continued, Grand Ritual Magic spells being cast repeatedly until it started to cost less and less, the magic in the environment had begun to attune to those spells, and they started to win for a while. That is until the other side brought forth horrifying monsters capable of altering their very beings in order to kill more efficiently. As a last ditch effort to survive, all of the elderly and wounded offered all of their blood to create the most powerful Grand Ritual Magic spell ever cast, it was a 7th level spell, however they didn't use the whole of the magic, only a fraction, the rest created a massive side-effect... this side-effect is now considered a god. A cyclone of blood rose from the corpses of the fallen, sustaining itself by converting blood into raw mana, all of that mana was then used to cast the spells that were used over and over for a hundred years, permanently.