Hamlet Act

Hamlet Act 2

Hamlet Act 3

Hamlet Act 4

Hamlet Act 5


They start off the story in Denmark

Hamlet says his mother acted as is she never mourned his father. She married his uncle so fast
. He says an animal would mourn its mate longer than she mourned her late husband.

Hamlet joins the guards that night and sees the ghost, he follows the ghost.

Some guards see the late kings ghost.

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They talk about Denmark a lot

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Characters that die


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Fortinbras, king
of Norway


Late kings ghost









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Horatio tells hamlet he saw the late kings ghost

Then think about how shamful it would be for

you to give in to his seductive talk and surrender

your treasure chest to his greedy hands."

Hamlet follows the ghost

The ghost tells him he was killed by the uncle, not a snake.

The ghost talks to hamlet

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If I weren’t forbidden to tell you the secrets

of purgatory, I could tell you stories that would

slice through your soul, freeze your blood,

"I don’t want you to
say he’s a sex fiend"

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make your eyes jump out of their sockets, and

your hair stand on end like porcupine quills. But

mortals like you aren’t allowed to hear this

description of the afterlife.

"...or going into a house of ill repute”—that
means a whorehouse, you know—or whatever. "

Hamlet starts acting weird

They think hamlets crazy cause hes in love.

"Chop my
head off if I’m wrong."

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"Since if the sun breeds maggots on a dead dog,kissing the

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Yes, we’re the privates in her army.

"Ha, ha, so you’ve gotten into her private parts?

Of course—Lady Luck is such a slut."

"Yes, we’re the privates in her army"