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The Rise of Nationalism In Europe - Coggle Diagram
The Rise of Nationalism In Europe
Fredric Sourieu, in 1848 visualized the world as a democratic and social republics
Emergence of Nationalism as a force that swept changes in politics and mentality of europe
Development of a concept of nation-state with the citizens sharing a similar identity and history
The French Revolution
The French Revolution of 1789, led to the transfer of sovereignty from a monarchy to a body of citizens
Various Practices adopted to create a sense of collective iiddentity amongst the citizen
The ideas of
la patrie
la citoyen
were emphasised
New hymns were composed and new oaths taken
Adoption of a new Constitution with citizen enjoyin, equal rights
Martyrs remebered
A New Tricoloured Flag, replacing royal standards
formulation of a central admiinistrative system
Adoption of unified weights and meassures
french became the national language
Estates General rename the national assembly
Disscouraging of regional dialects
Abolition of internal custom duties
Declaration of a mission to liberate europe from despotism
Setting up of Jacobin Clubs by the educated Middle class and students of europe
Nepoleonic Code of 1804
Privilages based on birth destroyed
establishement of right to fixed prop;erty
adminstrative divisions were simplified
feudal system abolished
Peasents freed frim serfdom and manorial duties
removal of guild restrictions in towns
improvement in transportattion and communication systems
uniform laws and standardissation of weights and measures
Adoption of a national currency
The Making of Nationalism in Europe
Arristocracy and new middle class
Land arristocracy dominated politics, tho small, but powerful
industriliasation began in france in the ninteenth century leading to the development of the working and middle classes.
Educated Middle classes popularised abolishon of aristocratic rules
Liberal Nationalism
In the political Sphere
Goverrment by concent
End of Autocracy
Adoption of constitutions
Represantation of goverment through parlimments
Abolition of property rights
Equality before law
In the economic shpere
freedom of markets
Removal of state imposed restrictions on the movemnet of goods
New Conservationism After 1815
After Beating Napolean - Britan, Russia, Prussia and Austria, drew up the treaty of Viena in 1815
The Main move was to undo the changes done by napolean and restore the monarchy
Provisioins of the treaty of Vienna
Restoration of the Burbon Dynasty
Territories aquired by napolean, taken back
Preventeed French Expansion in the future
Prussia was given new territories on its western borders invluding saxony
Austria to control northern italy
no change in the 39 german confedarate states
Russia to get Poland
A belief of preservation of old tradition and institutions, like monarchy, churcch social srtup, property and family
No tolerance for critisism and dissent
No questioning about the goverment
Severe Censorship
The Revolutionaries
Establishment of Secret Societies in order to spread the idea of nationalism and oppose the idea of conservationism
Mazzini opposed moarchy
Mazzini viewed nations to be nessecary for humanity
Inspired by other secrret societies in
Guisspe Mazziini joined one such societ known as the Carbonari
Later Founded young italy in marrseilles and young europe in Brene
Conservatives, Frightened by his move
Age of Revolutions
The Romantice Imagination and the National Feeling
Hunger, Hardship and popular Revolt
1848: the revolution of the liberals
Romantic Imagination and naatioonal feeling
Culture created an idea of a nation
Art, Poetry, stories, music, shaped nationalistic feelings
Romantic Artists Critisised Reason and science
Emotions, intiuition and emotional feelings were encouraged
Popularised the true spirit of the nation
Collected local Folklore to spread natinoalism even amonst the illitrate
used language to resist foreign change
Hunger Hardships and Revolts
Enourmess increasse in population all over europe
Reduced Jobs
Large scale rural migration to cities
Stiff compeetition between hanfd made and cheap machine made goods
Overcrowded Cities
Peasents Burdened with feudal fdues
A rise in food Prices
Food Shortage
Peasents and Weavers Revolted
The Revolution of the Liberals, 1848
French Monarchy Uprooted by the revolt in 1848, Liberal Middle Class demanded A constitution and national unification
In Germany Professinoal buissnessmen and Artisans, decided to vote for an all german assembly
Frankfurt Parliment organised in the church of st paul
Constitution Drafted
Germany to be goverened throuhg a constitutinoal Monarchy
When offered the crown, Fredrick Welhim the 4th of Prussia Rejected
Social Base of parliment shifted to middle class dominance
political associations formed by women for political rights
Conservative Forces, suppressed Liberals
Fearing future revolutions, monarchs granted concessions and introduced changes
Serfdom andf Bonded Labour abolished
Th Making of Germany
Consevatives mobalised nationlistic feelings to promote state power and seek political dominance over europe
Middle Class tried to united germany but were surppressed by the morachy and the milatary with the support of the land owning classs
Prussia Emerged to unite germany
Otto Von Bismarch became the architect of the process
Three wars for seven years with austria denmark and france, completed german unification\
Prussian King William the first became the first ruler of the untied germany
Currency banking, legal and judicial systems were leaglised
The Unification of Italy
Italy Fragmented between seven states
Sarinia and piedemont, ruled by an italian king
Northern Italy under Austrian Hasburg, ruled by the pope
South Italy was under the burbon kings of spain
Te Italian Language had too many dialects
Efforts of Mazzini in 1931 failed
Responisibility of unification fell on King Emanuel the Secoond
Cheif Minister Cavour, through Diplomacy, allied frane to defeat austria
Guisspe Garibaldi, a revolutionary too joined the alliance and drove away the spanish rule, thus italy was unified
The Strange Case that of Britan
No british nation existed before the 17th century
Ethenic groups like the british the welsh and the irish habited the british isles and had their own political and cultural bases
The Growth of the english nation in wealth and power lead to the seazing of the english monarchy in 1688
The act of union of 1707 was formed between England and Scotland to formed the united kindom of GB
Systematic supression of the soctish llanguage and culture began and many were driven out of their homes
The Brish helped the Protestors of the catholic church of ireland
The catholic revolt was supressed
in 1801, ireland was also incorprated forcibly into the united kingdom
Visualising a nation
Nations began to be portrayed as female figures of allegary
Ideas, like liberty justice and rebuplic were too personified
Allegries were errected at squares to mark national unnity
Coins and Stamps too carried their images
Marianne represented the repulic of france
Germania represented Germany
Balkans, Present Day
Nationalism and Imperialism, the balcan issue
The Balkans became a source of nationalist tension in 1971
It too was a region of geographical and ethenic variations
It was inhabited by the Salvs and in the the control of the Ottoman Empire
Ideas of nationalism swept throught the balkans
One by one, differenet nations decalred their independence afteer struggle
Later became one of the first causes of WW1
Conflict Amongst Natinoalities
Each State developed jelousey and wanted to expand at the cost of others
European Powers, further complicated the problem
They were struggling to prove their trade and millitary might to others
Countries, like germany russia, Ebglang Austria Hungary tried to exted their control over the balkan area