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Early Modern Cultures :world_map: - Coggle Diagram
Early Modern Cultures
African Empire :earth_africa:
Became the first great trading state in west Africa because it was rich in salt and gold
There were several different villages that made up Ghana, and most people in the villages were farmers
The people who would carry the goods being traded across the desert were called berbers, and they would ride on camels.
Camels were incredibly important in trade because they were the only animals that could go 2 weeks without drinking an water, so they were ideal when traveling across the desert
The trading merchants in Africa were among some of the wealthiest. The king also benefited from trade, collecting taxes from imports and exports.
Ghana eventually weakened and collapsed in war, letting new trade societies arise
After the collapse of Ghana, Mali arose, another crucial trading empire
Started on the Atlantic coast of Africa and extended all the way to Timbuktu. Gold and salt trade helped them become wealthy.
Most of the people who lived in Mali were grain farmers
After the death of Mansa Musa, Mali collapsed. The Songhai empire soon took over, but didn't last very long before also collapsing.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa was one of the richest and most powerful rulers ever. He is also considered to be the richest person in history.
He was able to expand Mali to twice its original size, he was also able to create a very strong central government. He himself was a Muslim.
He is most famous from his great trip to the Hajj. On his way, he was accompanied by thousands of soldiers, servants, and slaves, who were also riding on camels. Along the way, Musa gave out lots of gold to his hosts and bought many gifts.
But by having so much gold, he caused an inflation
He had scholars build several mosques to help spread the ideas of Islam.
East Coast Trading
Bantu people began to take part in trading on the Indian Ocean
Led to the formation of several important trading ports
They engaged in heavy trade with Muslims from the Arabian peninsula
Over time, a new language emerged called Swahili. It was a mix between Arabic and Bantu words.
Bantu Migrations
After the fall of Mali and the Songhai empire , people began to migrate to west Africa. This was known as the Bantu Migrations.
The Migration gets its name from the fact that the descendants of the migrants speak bits of Bantu in their language.
The Bantu language became dominant to the south of the Sahara
Indian Empire
Delhi Sultanate
Soon, the Muslim power had reached over a good amount of India, and named it the Sultanate of Delhi
Islam Moves to India
Arrived in India during a time of disunity
After the collapse of the Gupta Empire, there was no central authority, which cause India to break into 70 states.
When the Arab first arrived in India, they simply just moved in, without any fighting.
But soon after, Mahmud took over the Islamic area and began to break out violence, killing many innocent mothers, children, and fathers.
Mahmud of Ghazni
Hindu warriors, called Rajputs, tried to fight against Ghazni's armies, using elephant, but the horses of the Arabs were much quicker than the elephants used.
Muslims and Hindus
The Muslim rulers in India tried to create separation between the Hindus and the Muslim population.
Although the Muslim rulers typically weren't tolerant of other religions, they tried to peacefully convert people to Islam.
Eventually, the Muslim leaders realized that there were too many Hindus, and that they needed to establish religious tolerance. This caused tension between the two groups.
Hindus had their own empire to the south named Vijayanagara Empire, which was thriving in trade.
Because the Northern part of India is primarily Islam and the southern is primarily Hindu, there are several conflicts still happening today between the groups.
Chinese Empire
Sui Dynasty
Had a brief reign, from 581-618
Established by Wendi
Their main accomplishment was the completion of the Grand Canal, which helped expand trade.
Emperor was assassinated for high taxes and forced labor.
The Grand canal was one of the largest waterworks ever built without todays modern equipment.
Grand canal helped direct the river flow north to south, instead of east to west.
Tang and Song Dynasties
Helped with agriculture, like rice, and trade through the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean trade networks.
The capital city, Chang’an, was changed to “cosmopolitan”
The Grand canal helped create a growth in trade.
In the beginning of the Tang period, trade was mostly by the Silk Road. But toward the end, they depended more of trade through the waterways. Trade also helped Buddhism spread.
New agricultural technologies were created, including the heavy iron plows, and new irrigation systems.
A coin shortage developed from trade growing so rapidly.
The development of paper money became crucial in trade, especially for merchants, who didn't want to have to carry around all of those heavy coins.
The Tang rulers revive civil service examination system, which was only open to men. Only the rich could really afford to take this exam. Was crucial to hold a job in office.
The Sing didn't trust their military, so they used the exam to help select people for it.
Education was very important in China, and would help determine your job
Neo confucism, a mix of Buddhism and confucism formed and spread to Japan and Korea.
New Technology
Several new technologies were invented, including porcelain and cannons.
During the Tang and Song Dynasties, they invented many new things, including "Chinaware".
Bookprinting emerged, including block printing, which was basically like using a stamp to create several of the same works quickly, which resulted in an expansion in book production.
Gunpowder was invented, and was only used in military and warlike equipment
European Empire
Middle Ages begins with the fall of the Western Roman Empire
Germanic Tribes take over; help break up rome, germanic tribes formed their own kingdoms, kings had unlimited power
The rise of the Medieval Church: The Roman Catholic Church had arranged diplomatic meetings, the church sent missionaries into German areas, Pope (church leader)
Charlemagne; The grandson of the Franks leader, he was determined to unite the European Kingdom, and was pretty successful
The invasion of the Vikings: The Carolingian Empire started to fall apart, the invasion began, the vikings came to Denmark, Sweeden, and Norway. Some of the Vikings ended up living where they invaded
Magyar; were from west Russia, excellent horsemen and arrow shooters
Feudalism- Medieval response to invasions; a relationship between a lord and vassels.
Lesser lord swears allegiance to higher lord, etc. Taxes were given to class higher than you. Knights Emerge
Crusades; Were over the Holy land of Jerusalem, Pope wanted to help unite the Church. The first Crusade was a Christian victory. The second Crusades was a Muslim victory
In the third Crusade, the Christians convinced the Turks to let them visit
Urban Growth and Life; during the high Middle Ages cities and towns grew dramatically
Europe was more stable
Crusades united many European kingdoms
New inventions resulted in improved harvests
Population started booming
(Little Ice Age!)- Climate Change and famine set in, resulting in violent storms, flooding, crops died, and 10-50% of the population starved to death. Lead to an increase in crime and canibalism
people began to question the Church and kings protection of the peasants
Black Death; Bubonic plague from fleas on rats from trade
Italian merchants Brough the plague with them from the city of Caffa. Symptoms include large blisters and high fevers. The people of Europe didn't know the cause. "Cures", such as donating to the Church, had no effect. People would beat themselves, thinking it would cure them.
Decline of Feudalism; trade declined, landlords payed more for labor workers. There was a rise of strong monarchies
England and France started the "100 Year War", which helped develop strong pride in citizens in England and France.
Spain also experienced the growth of a strong national monarchy when two of its strongest kingdoms were united through marriage
Holy Roman Empire, however, did NOT develop a strong central monarchy and instead remained broken.
American Empire
Aztec Empire
In Mexico and Central America
The origins of the empire are uncertain
Sometimes during the 1000s they began a long migration that Brough them to the Vally of Mexico
Established a capital at Tenochtitlán(modern-day Mexico City)
Constructed temples, and built their city
New kingdom was not centralized but a collection of territories
Supported conquered areas by collecting "tribute", human sacrifice was a big deal then
Aztech were ruled by a monarch, who claimed he was descended from the gods.
Most of the population were farmers, slaves, or servants
Believed in many gods; Huitzilopochtli, the god of sun and war, was very important
Religion based on struggle belief. They used human sacrifice to appease the gods, and put off a possible apocalypse
In 1519 a Spanish force led by Hernan Cortes landed in gulf, were nice at fist. They spread disease that killed the Aztecs
Inca Empire
In South America
Stared in 1300, in now what's Peru.
In 1400, they launched a campaign of conquest
Strong centra government ruled by Emperor who was a descendant of sun god.
Structured Hierarchy, split into 4 parts. The Emperor closely controlled the lives of common people
Many plants grown, including; maize, peanuts, potatoes, cotton, tomatoes
No writing system, instead shared history though things created from string
Mita-labor service used. Men were required at certain times during the year to work for no or low-pay.
Smallpox spread, killing many
Lacked work animals, metal tools, wheels. Was developed, will central government and armies, conquered other empires, but ended when conquered by Spanish.
Died out from disease
Islamic Empire :crescent_moon:
Muhammad was the founder of Islam
The Unman had to select a new leader after Muhammads death, which lead to a debate over who the next leader should be, which resulted in the formation of 2 Islamic groups, Suni and Shia Muslims.
Was born in Mecca , had no education, was an orphan, and worked as a trader.
Created the 5 Islam Pillars: Shahadah (faith), Salat (Prayer), Sawm (fasting), Zakat (alms), and Hajj (pilgrimage).
Left with his followers from Mecca to spread their beliefs
After leaving, Muhammed quickly gained followers, and returned to Mecca with an army of 10,000 men, and the city quickly surrendered to him.
Abbasid Dynasty
Bysantines challenged Turks to battle. The Turks easily defeated them. The Bysantine's turn to Christian states for help
The Turks soon turned on the Caliphs and took Baghdad. The Turkish leader became the "Sultan"
The Large empire broke into provinces, but still have internal conflict. The rulers of the province's broke away and established independent caliphates. These rulers created strong armies by hiring non-native soldiers like turks.
All muslims, not just Arab muslims, now hold civil and military offices
Had a big emphasis on education and scholars
Umayyad Dynasty
Overthrown by Abu Al-Abbas
Arab Muslims were the ruling class, which led to growing resentment for non-arab Muslims in the empire.
Muslim forces were defeated in Battle of Tours in France, which caused the dynasty to decline
Most of Spain had become Muslim, the center being Cordoba
Arab Armies conquered and converted to Berbers- herders living in North Africa
The Islamic capital is moved from Medina to Damascus
Started after the assassination of Ali, his rival, Mu'awiyah became Caliph. Mu'awiyah made the office of caliph hereditary in his own family.
Rightly guided Caliphs
There were 4 rightly guided caliphs, including Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali
Abu Bakr was chosen as the first Caliph, he was Muhammad's father-in-law. The Islamic empire began to grow under Abu Bakr.
After Abu Bakr died, leadership problems arose. They did not know who should become the next Caliph.
The next two Caliphs, Umar and Uthman were both assassinated.
The final righty guided caliph, Ali, Muhammad 's cousin, was also assassinated., which led to his rival, Mu’awiyah , becoming the next caliph.