The Egyptian Education

Teaching Quality









Consequences of poor education

not enough salaries to the the teachers

Too much useless information (very irrelevant to work life in the future)

very limited facilities and resources

lacks soft skills

Teachers don't care about active participation in class

no enough schools/ crowded classes

depends on memorizing

Teachers resort to giving private lessons

books/ laboratories/ equipments

outdated information and training

update methods in textbooks

specify a reasonable amount of money to build new schools and get enough resources for all students

The government should monitor where the money provided to the schools is used

Include critical thinking methods

Include useful and relevant information

Making exams based on comprehension rather than memorizing

Passive learning

use part of the collected taxes for school funding

More engaging class activities

Increase the use of technology

Teachers undervalue students


Hit them

Disrespect them

ban private lessons

Add consequences to teacher misbehaviour

Require a certain level of training to be able to teach

inability to escape poverty

inability to make smart political decisions


Teaching is done in a repeat and copy form

The don't know basic information about health

check where the funding goes.

high mortality rate

low hygiene

not enough knowledge about HIV

High amount of grade repetition and dropout rates

increase the salaries to teachers in respect to the increase of high-ranking officials

Improve teaching skills

illiteracy rate of 71% in 2010

Overlapping of educational authorities

providing teachers with relevant training and ensuring that they receive satisfactory salaries

high rates of traffic accidents

Increase standards of people in authority of syndicate

Action research


Reduce US and UK influenced schooling systems

introduce a lecture-based system in high schools

Limited skills

curriculum is too ambitious, and they lack immediacy and relevance

focus on practical rather than theoretical knowledge

information that tends to confuse rather than help the students.

should focus on reading, arithmetic, presentation skills and establishing habits of study

rote learning is given precedence over understanding

prerequisite for progress and innovation

83 per cent of the budget in 2013-12014 was allocated to salaries and payments for Education Ministry workers and teachers and only $300 was spent on each student

40 students per class, it can even reach to 100 per class which reduces the education value

teachers say, insisting that a large part of the budget is actually spent on bonuses for high-ranking officials or development work and research that remains in closed drawers.

Set a reasonable min. salary