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March 2020_LCSD BOOKS - Coggle Diagram
March 2020_LCSD BOOKS
電學,精簡圖解很好懂! : 看不見卻超重要的奇妙世界! / [小暮裕明著
成功不再跌跌撞撞 = Barking up the wrong tree : the suprising science behind why everything you know about success is (mostly) wrong / 艾瑞克.巴克(Eric Barker)著
Markets never forget (but people do) : how your memory is costing you money--and why this time isn't different / Ken Fisher with Lara Hoffmans
加法思考術 : 就算現在不行, 最後一定會獲勝 / 林成之
暗黑技術 : 讓老闆挺你,讓部屬服你 / 木村尚敬
複雜問題的策略思考&分析 : 從「一隻走失的狗」開始, 演練問題解決的綜合技術 = Strategic thinking in complex problem solving / 阿爾諾.謝瓦里耶(Arnaud Chevallier)
The ten roads to riches : the ways the wealthy got there (and how you can too!) / Ken Fisher, with Lara Hoffmans.
Mastering financial calculations : a step-by-step guide to the mathematics of financial market instruments / Bob Steiner.
擊敗群眾的逆向思維 : 肯恩.費雪教你看懂市場真相 = Beat the crowd : how you can out-invest the herd by thinking differently / 肯恩.費雪(Ken Fisher)
從易經看孫子兵法 : 劉君祖以《易》演兵 = Reading the Art of War through I Ching : interpretation of "war" from the perspective of I Ching
Designing your life : how to build a well-lived, joyful life / Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
史上最好用日語會話6000 : 起承轉合 = Super useful Japanese conversation / 吉松由美, 田中陽子, 西村惠子, 山田玲奈合著
待辦事項這樣列,工作當場完成一半 : 只花兩分鐘、用五個詞,裝忙整理清單,你再也不會被「沒做完」追殺 = The productivity habits : a simple approach to become more productive / 班.以利亞(Ben Elijah)著
用數字做決策的思考術 : 從選擇伴侶到解讀財報,會跑Excel,也要學會用數據分析做更好的決定 = Quantitative analysis for business / GLOBIS商學院著
拆開獲利的糖衣 : 17個摧毀退休計劃的投資迷思 = The little book of market myths : how to profit by avoiding the investing mistakes everyone else makes / 肯恩.費雪(Ken Fisher),
3小時讀通基礎化學 / 左卷健男, 寺田光宏, 山田洋一著
投資詐彈課 : 識破投資騙局的五個警訊 = How to smell a rat : the five signs of financial fraud / 肯恩.費雪(Ken Fisher), 菈菈.霍夫曼斯(Lara Hoffmans)著