Homicide and Schizophrenia

Psychosocial Background

Motivational Aspect

Behavioral Aspect

Emotional Aspect

No apparent motive

Drug or alcohol use before or during the offense

Argument or provocation preceded the crime

public offense location

lack of offense planning

use of firearm

lack of empathy

emotional indifference

lack of emotion

most common use of sharp instrument or shooting

most common use of sharp and blunt weapon

violent offenses characterized by unusual post-offense behavior

lack of remorse

lack of regret

lack of guilt

violent schizophrenic compared to non-schizophrenic violent offenders

relatively well adjusted childhoods

fewer problems in school

participated less in special education

psychopathology in family members much more common

more likely to be living alone

higher social isolation and withdrawal

less often married

had fewer children

drugs and alcohol more in common when homicides involved nonfamily victims