This mind map shows how school management legislation and the constitution may be used for school management. It shows school management as a democratic process that involves a number of stakeholders like parents, learners, teachers and school leadership to ensure accountability, responsiveness and openness (the constitution, 1996 section 1 (d)) in leading and managing schools. Therefore it shows how education legislation upholds, promote and protect the rights of all parties involved in school management as provided for in chapter two of the constitution (bill of rights). At the centre is school management where the implementation of education programmes take place in an attempt to realise the basic right of the child which is the right to basic education. The constitution emphasises democracy where democratic values and principles of human dignity, equality and freedom are promoted. The mind map shows how these democratic principles are realised in school management through the identified and explained education laws. These laws show the role of each stakeholder in school management in the concerted effort to achieve quality education for all learners in the school. The importance of each stakeholder to school management is clearly articulated in the mind map and an indication that indeed democracy does prevail and this is the aspiration of the constitution.


SCHOOL MANAGEMENT: is guided by education law to plan, organise, lead, control, evaluate and report on educational programmes to fulfil the rights of learners (access to basic education) and those of other parties involved in education (parents, teachers, educators, school management teams, community etc.) as enshrined in the constitution, in their attempt to provide quality education for all.

National Education policy act 27/1996; guides school management on:

Instructional time for subjects: assists with fair and equitable time allocation per cycle for each subject. It helps in developing timetables.

admission policy for ordinary public schools: school management is guided on processes of admitting legible learners to schools so that they access education.

Norms and standards for educators: the roles and competencies of educators expected to teach in SA schools are provided to manage entry requirements to teaching.

South African Schools Act 84/1996: helps school management to have support of parents in the attempt to provide quality public education by means of establishing School Governing Body. Parents have the democratic right to participate in decisions affecting the education of their children.

The role of SGB in managing the school as democratic right

Develop main policies like admission poiicy, learner code of conduct, language, finance. These guide the school in processes and procedures to be followed in each so that values of human dignity, equality and freedom are realised.

Manage school finances there by planning usage (income and expenditure and budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, auditing and reporting usage to relevant stakeholders).

They secure school resources: LTSM (to ensure that all required material and equipment is available) , Infrastructure (to ensure a safe and clean environment), employment of teachers and support staff (participate in recruitment process and recommend the qualifying candidate to HOD for appointment).

Employment of educators Act 76/1996: guides with processes and procedures for:

Determine vision and mission of the school; it helps the school to work towards achieving a common goal.

South African Council for Educators 31/2000: it helps register qualifying teachers to teach in a South African school and will be issued with a certificate as evidence. When employed, the teacher will produce the qualifications with the SACE certificate as proof of verification process done. It also helps with addressing issues of professional code of ethics of teachers and promote continuous professional development of teachers in order to keep the standard of professionalism high.

conditions of service of teachers:guides on benefits of teachers in the service like salaries, bonuses, leave measures and retirement.

Educator discipline: dealing with misconduct of teachers to ensure equality before the law is promoted.

job descriptions of teachers and distribution of workload: ensures that division of work among teachers is fair and equal.

teacher appraisal processes improve performance

Employment of educators in a school:


  1. Bill of rights of the constitution of South Africa. (1996). Government gazette. (No.17678).
  2. Education Labour Relations Council. (2005). Policy hand book for educators. Pretoria. Government printer.
  3. Republic of South Africa. (1996). Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria. Government printer.