SCHOOL MANAGEMENT: is guided by education law to plan, organise, lead, control, evaluate and report on educational programmes to fulfil the rights of learners (access to basic education) and those of other parties involved in education (parents, teachers, educators, school management teams, community etc.) as enshrined in the constitution, in their attempt to provide quality education for all.
South African Schools Act 84/1996: helps school management to have support of parents in the attempt to provide quality public education by means of establishing School Governing Body. Parents have the democratic right to participate in decisions affecting the education of their children.
South African Council for Educators 31/2000: it helps register qualifying teachers to teach in a South African school and will be issued with a certificate as evidence. When employed, the teacher will produce the qualifications with the SACE certificate as proof of verification process done. It also helps with addressing issues of professional code of ethics of teachers and promote continuous professional development of teachers in order to keep the standard of professionalism high.