Period 6: In an intellectually safe place there are no put-downs and no comments intended to belittle, undermine, negate, devalue, or ridicule. Within this place, the group accepts virtually any question or comment, so long as it is respectful of the other members of the circle (Jackson, 2001).
- When I talk I don’t like people interrupting.
- I don’t like when people talk over me.
- When I talk I don’t like when people stare at me while I present.
- I don’t like when people judge me
When I talk I don’t like to be rushed.
- When I talk I want people to listen
- I don’t want to feel embarrassed when i’m talking.
- When I present a presentation I don’t wanna feel embarrassed
- When I talk in front of the class I don't like being judged.
People judged me for not speaking loud enough.
- I don’t like being judged for what I say. I did not like that people laughed at what I say.
- When I am talking I don't want people talking behind my back.
- I don’t want to be afraid to ask questions.
K:Ask a question, if you donʻt understand and please let me ask questions too. Especially if I donʻt understand immediately - patience is a virtue.
A counter example is saying: “I donʻt know” and not following up those words with a “but this is what I know or see”.