What is the creative's role in society?

Who can be a creative?

What is a creative act?

What does oppression look like?


stories of creatives:

Ai weiwei, a Chinese artist who resisted the oppression of the government by collecting censored information from parents whose children died in an earthquake in china. They died because of the poor building of schools which were built by the government . Ai weiwei started with a blog that blogs about the children who died and it was banned by the government. He later used 9,000 school bags to write '' she lived happily for seven years in this world'' in Haus der Kunst in Munich. The statement was told by one of the mothers of the innocent children who lost their lives.(3)
https://bit.ly/33vc6YJ download (4)

Inspire people by their courage(22)

Leave an impact on people which makes change possible(23)

Oppose oppression (21)

Guide us through life, they are the only ones who know the truth about us according to James Baldwin. (24)

'' The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover.If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you do not see '' - James Baldwin (25)

suppressing freedom (11)

injustice (12)

censoring information that should not be censored (10)

violence (13)

It is an out-of-necessity act that resists oppression (7)

Tells the truth from the viewpoint of the creative(8)

'' Art is the only thing that resists death '' - Andre Malraux (6)

German people protesting against the restrictions the government imposed because of the novel corona virus.(1) (https://bit.ly/33wWXGj. _113777143_mediaitem113777140(2)

Anyone can be a creative, a creative is someone who creates out of need.(16)

Scientists, Philosophers, artists, and writers are all examples of creatives (17)

Anyone who resists through their art, speech, music, or act.

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Bring more awareness to topics that don't get a fair amount of media coverage. (20)

'' They are the only people who know the truth about us '' -James Baldwin (19)

download (1) (26)

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Example: house demolitions by Israeli forces in Rafah, a town in the southern Gaza Strip , on March 16, 2003. link: (9) https://bit.ly/33ygDtB

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animals (5)

done by: Farah Zaki and Julia Khlaifat