Causes of World Hunger
Climate Change
Agricultural Practices
War & Conflict
World hunger and poverty go hand-and-hand in most cases
Too much or too little rainfall could hurt the harvest.
The World Bank estimates that climate change can cause more than 100 million people fall into poverty over the next decade.
Population Growth
Since 2008, nearly 175 million people in developing countries have been displaced by climate-induced disaster and that number continues to grow every year.
Many world's war hotspots are also the most affected by hunger
More than half of the food-insecure people identified live in countries with ongoing violence.
Combined with overgrazing, over-cropping, and deforestation means the impact of poor agricultural practices can destroy arable land that is needed to grow nutritious food.
Population expand fast and agricultural production cannot keep up the paste
More than three-quarters of the world’s chronically malnourished children live in conflict-affected regions.
The worlds population is expected to reach 8 billion by 2020; more than 93% of this increase will occur in lower-income countries .
Most hungry people are from developing countries
Many starve their opponents into submission by seizing or destroying food stocks, livestock, or other assets in rural areas and by cutting off sources of food or livelihood, including destruction of markets in urban and rural areas.
Whenever people are in poverty, they lack resources to get their basic needs, such as food.
Advanced technology is necessary if we are ever wanting to find a solution to world hunger.
Hurts the economy which could lead the country to being poor and in poverty.
Conflicts uproots families, destroys economies, ruins infrastructure and halts agricultural production.
Over 80% of the world’s hungry people live in disaster-prone countries.
Half the world's population lives on less $5.50 a day.
People are even less able to withstand another disaster and they suffer graver consequences each time a flood or drought strikes which causes them to lose everything and that includes food
The highest rates tended to occur in so-called “developing countries” where the income is low. These are largely the same countries where hunger is at its worst.
Arable farmland is scarce with the growth of civilization and urbanization
Millions live with hunger and malnourishment because they simply cannot afford to buy enough food, cannot afford nutritious foods or cannot afford the farming supplies they need to grow enough good food of their own.
In low-income countries, they cannot afford reliable farm equipment
Population can influence a country and its ability to produce nutritious food in a timely manner