You are teacher educators in ABC College, which offers an undergraduate programme on education. There are 15 CPs enrolled in the programme. Formal assessment has revealed that most of the CPs are at the Unrelated Concern Stage. As a teacher educator what educational processes or strategies will you employ in your class to engage the teachers in learning.

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ABC College

Student teachers are assigned days to present their work related to their topic










Computer Science

Grade 5

Microsoft WORD through practice

Grade 3

Ecosystem through Visiting Garden

Grade 2

Teaching Even numbers through
skip counting by 2s

Grade 1

Urdu story teaching "Ek Piyasa KAwwa" through Role Play

English Poem with Mind mapping by drawing the scene on the board

Grade 4

Identification of Pakistan in the Map of South Asia, and finding the neighbor countries, labelling them, outlining with different colours

School Observation (2weeks)


lesson plaining and micro teaching(2 weeks)

practicum with mentoring and feedback

final lessons for the assessment of learning


teaching and learning

philosophy of education

psychology of education

curriculum and its role in classroom

reflective practices

reflection(definition, daily live examples, practice)

importance of reflective practices in teaching and learning

how reflective practices improve teaching and learning process

definition of teaching and learning, significance

teaching and learning theories

practical implementation of theories (literature)

psycology, education, relationship

theories of psychology of education

Practical implementation of psychological theories of education