Correlation, Experimentation, and Research Design & Ethics in Psychology

Correlation does not prove Causation


Research Design

Ethics in Psychology

Correlation: measures the way two variables correlate which does not necessarily mean that one causes the other, however a third factor can affect both.

Scatterplot: (r=0.00) No relationship

Positive Correlation: (r=+1.00) Ex: heart health vs. number of minutes of exercise daily, the more you exercise the healthier your heart is

Negative Correlation: (r=-1.00) Ex: long health vs number of cigarettes smoked, the more you smoke the unhealthier you are



Negative Correlation

Is it morally right to experiment on animals?

It does not prove causation: Correlation is all based on observations and relationships however it does not scientifically approve of the relationship that's why correlation does not prove causation.

How do psychological scientists chose research methods that provide meaningful results?

When the psychological scientists come up with a question, it can't be unethical questions such as is there evil? However, they can test beliefs, aggressive personalities and more. After they choose the question, they have to decide on the research methods:

Descriptive: to observe and record behavior, it does case studies and nothing is manipulated

Experimental: explores cause and effect, it manipulates the independent variable

Correlational: Naturally occurring relationships; how one variable predicts the other, it collects data and there is no manipulation

Research design creates studies that learn more about behavior which can be fascinating for mental and behavioral processes.

It explores cause and effect, it manipulates the independent variable

Ex 2: Do action films cause people to eat more popcorn and candy during a movie?

Ex 3: Do people rate individuals with perfectly symmetrical faces as more beautiful than those with asymmetrical faces?

Ex 1: Can color cause physiological reactions?

Animal protection movements were created

Humans (who are also animals) and animals have similar biology

Helps scientists do research on different species on their behavior, actions and more.

American Psychological Association (APA): guidelines is that the animals are provided with "humane care and healthful conditions"

European Parliment: guidelines is that the animals should recieve care and housing

British Psychological Society (BPS): guidelines is that the animals have to be in enclosures that are similar to their homes and with other animals of their own breed

Humans are placed above animals that's why they test with animals

Even though a lot of animals are experimented on, they are also helped for example there was a dog experimentation with their stress levels in the shelters which helped when they were adopted

Want welfare for both