:red_flag: You used mainly simple grammatical forms with some more complex structures such as relative clauses, but there are a number of errors/ frequent spelling errors. :red_flag: Some appropriate language is used here; what is needed here is more advanced topic-specific expressions from the mind-map as well as more complex grammar constructions: passive, conditionals, participle clauses, inversion, etc.
:red_flag: There are some repeated errors with prepositions and …. articles/ punctuation/ collocations
:red_flag: There should be a variety of sentence structures : relative clauses, conjunctions (although, even though), inversion, emphasis, advanced conditionals, comparatives... Of course, you should strike balance, avoid using all possible structures for the sake of grammar only.
:red_flag: There are attempts to express ideas using a range of grammatical forms, passives and modals for example, but some more sophisticated structures are needed.
:red_flag: Some grammatical forms are used with control, such as present tenses and modals but there should also be a variety of advanced structures to use (supposing that…, fronting, “but for”, “tend to’, inversion ..)