WEEK 5: Planning, Organising, Leading, Controlling (POLC)
Planning (P)
Organising (O)
Leading (L) - theories
Controlling (C)
Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Plans
Concerned with both ends (goals) and means (strategies)
2 types: informal & formal
provide direction
reduce uncertainty
minimise waste and redundancy
establish goals and standards used for controlling
Work Specialisation
Chain of Command
Span of Control
Centralisation / Decentralisation
dividing work activities into specific job task
formal grouping of jobs by: functions, locations, product, process and customer
Consist of: authority, responsibility and unity
transparency is vital
includes the number of subordinate a manager could manage efficiency and effectively.
refers to the degree to which decision-making is controlled, by few vs delegated to many
the degree to which jobs within an organisation is standardised
extend to which employee behaviour is guided by rules and procedures
Types of Organisation
high specialisation
rigid departmentalisation
high chain of command
narrow spans of control
high formalisation
cross functional teams
cross hierarchical teams
free flow of information
wide spans of control
low formalisation
Trait Theories
leaders are born and cannot be trained
Behavioural Theories
leadership is more than possessing a few genetic traits.
theory debates leaders aren't born, but trained
Duality of leadership: focus on task vs. focus on people
Contingency Theories
effective leadership requires more than an understanding of traits and behaviours
Ability to ‘read’ and ‘adapt’ to situational circumstance as important
The Situational Leadership Model argues that successful leadership is achieved by selecting the leadership style that matches the level of the followers’ readiness.
Readiness: extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task and is identified using four stages/behaviours: telling, selling, participating and delegating
The process of monitoring, comparing and correcting work performance.
employee empowerment - encourages managers to delegate
protects organisations and its assets
The Control Process
- Measuring
- Comparing
- Taking Managerial Action
- Revise the Standard