Visualizing The Project Objectives


Define a goal based on personal interests

Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge

Demonstrate research skills

My goal is to create and compose a Regional Javanese song played on a Piano as a cultural appreciation of where I'm from, which will hopefully inspire others to appreciate their culture in any execution as they wish.


I have learned how to explore different genres of music to play, such as Pop, Classic, etc. It lets me hone more into my skill of playing the piano as well as trying out different styles of music, encouraging me to compose the Javanese- style piano.

In my piano lesson, I have learned to play lots of classic songs and it improves my piano technique-wise. Recently, I've also been taught to play a Javanese song entitled "Fragmen" by Jaya Suprana and have been able to analyze certain patterns that makes Javanese songs sound iconic and recognizable to the ear.


In my art lessons, I have been taught to analyze certain styles and cultures of art deeper through research and replicate my own work from it; similar to my personal project yet a different subject.

I have searched about composing a Javanese Piano Music, however there's not much information about it. So my secondary sources would be researching online about composing a piano music in general and expressing my own style into it and the characteristics of Javanese music in general.

For my primary source, I will be interviewing a person that specializes in composing music. I'll be making a set of questions to ask which hopefully will help me to be more confident when creating my product.


Develop a proposal of action/ criteria

Plan and record the development process

Demonstrate self management skills

I'll refer to the criterias/ requirements I designed to evaluate the overall outcome of the song (although there might be some changes in the criteria)

I will outline my self- management skills by meeting the deadlines consistently from the personal project timeline given.

I keep all my evidence through a folder on my laptop which consists of images (weekly) and videos (monthly).

My strategy is that I should start taking action ahead of time since 2 months isn't enough time to compose, perfect, and play an original classic piano music.

I will provide evidence of my work on a video format by monthly intervals. (Video) Time lapse: PIano lesson to evaluate my progress with teacher. Audio behind: My result at the following month.

I will provide evidence of my work on a journaling format by week intervals. (Images)

I'm starting to make a simple melody of around 4 bars and use that as a starting point of when I take full action. This will be helpful and will ease the process a bit more since it does not require as much brainstorming on how I should start the song. However, I will continue directly after I got some sources and possibly make some changes that fits more into my criteria and music genre.


Demonstrate communication and social skills

Demonstrate thinking skills

Demonstrate service as action/ create a product or outcome


Reflect on their development of ATL/ as an IB learner

Reflect on knowledge and understanding

Evaluate the quality of the service as action or product/ outcome

Deeper purpose and why my project helps the world?

To me, culture means unity; it makes each individual unique encompassing language, religion, etc. as a society. Culture is what ties people together and gives one individual uniqueness in their identity. Growing up, culture in my city isn’t well-promoted as my surroundings are getting modernized, and nowadays, generations tend to be ignorant about the culture. Java, where I was born, expresses culture in many ways, the most authentic is Javanese music, especially Gamelan. I would describe it as a xylophone-like instrument from Java played in celebrations or accompany such performances as dances or puppet shows. This is something that’s slowly dying in the community of this generation; I would like to bring it back to life by creating a more modern execution of Javanese Music using the Piano, something I’m more familiar with. I hope that people would recognize the Javanese culture more and appreciate it, targeted mostly to locals, to begin with. My goal is to raise awareness about this issue to the community and inspire/ aspire others to love their own cultures as well in their own individual way, especially to locals in my generation. There are different things we can do to appreciate our culture. We don’t have to do it the old/ traditional way, but we can also bring modern and contemporary touches/ influences to develop existing cultures.

I'm going to interview two people that will guide and help me through the process of composing music. I will also communicate with my piano teacher and supervisor on what he/she suggest to improve from my product.

Not only knowledge about the slendro and pelog. However, I need to be open-minded and expand my creativity to express my emotions through the song and make it sound cool yet unique. I have to think about the various note patters I will input in my song to excite people and hopefully inspire them to embrace our cultures, although the world is modernizing.

Musescore is the app that I will utilize for my outcome/ song.