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2020 Elections
Labour Covid-19 Policies:Labour Party´s Covid-19 response is already rolling out their plan to keep New Zealanders safe and keep the recovery moving. Labour party will focus on a tight border with testing and quarantining and will roll out their surveillance strategy with strengthened testing. Labour will also be improving the contact tracing system including further technology alternatives.
Climate Change Policies:Labour party is promising to bring forward their goals of 100 percent renewable electricity generation by five years to 2030.
National Covid-19 Policies:National says their plan will ¨Inject some steel into our first line of defence against COVID-19¨ with a border security plan. It would establish ¨Te Korowai Whakamaru/NZ border protection agency¨, for a start. That agency would set up within 100 days if national were elected
Main Focus for the ACT Party:The Act party focuses on consistently being the party of ideas, advocating for expanded personal freedom and responsibility. Act party believes that, in their own words the following "
That the proper purpose of government is to enact and enforce laws, and to take such action as may be necessary to secure freedom of the individual from the actions of others, including those others who constitute the government, which could constrain individuals from exercising ownership of their own lives"
Main focus:The Green Party´s main focus is our natural environment and environmental issues that are currently going on and ways we can stop these problems from happening and keep our environment a healthy and safe space for all of NZ.
National Main Focus:National´s Main focus is empowering individual freedom and choice, personal responsibility, and caring communities is about national making sure New Zealanders take on ownership of their own future and as to set a good example for future generations to come.