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Upper limb muscles - Coggle Diagram
Upper limb muscles
Scapula muscles
Deltoid muscle
O: lateral 1/3 rdof the clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula
A: Clavicular (anterior) part flexes and medially rotates arm assists Pectoralis major m. - Acromial (middle) part abducts arm from 15 angle- Spinal (posterior) part: extends & laterally rotates arm assists Latissimus Dorsi m.
N.S: suprascapular nerve C4, C5 & C6
Chest muscles
Pectoralis major
O: medial half of clavicle - sternal head (manubrium and body of sternum) - upper six costal cartilages
A: Adducts and medially rotates humerus-Draws scapula anteriorly and inferiorly Acting alone-Clavicular head flexes humeru-Sternocostal head extends the Humerus from the flexed position
A: it depresses the clavicle (protection of clavicle from dislocation and stabilize it) - protect subclavian vessels and superior trunk of brachial plexus
Serratus anterior
I:muscle fibers of upper 4 ribs anterior surface of superomedial angle and medial border of scapula while fibers from 5-8 converge on the anterior surface of inferior angle of the scapula.
Arm muscles
N.S: musculocutaneous n. C5, C6 & C7
Biceps brachii
N.S: musculocutaneous nerve C5, C6 & C7
I: bicipital tuberosity of radius & by mean of bicipital aponeurosis into the deep fascia of medial aspect of forearm.
A: Supinates Forearm-Flexes forearm- Short head resists dislocationof shoulder-weak flexor of shoulder
O: The long head originates from supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula & the short head arises from tip of coracoid process of the scapula
A: the main flexor of the forearm-flexes the forearm in all positions, not being affected by pronation and supination; during both slow and quick movements; and in the presence or absence of resistance
N.S: radial n. C6, C7 & C8
O: Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula- Lat. head; upper half of the post. surface of humerus above the spiral groove- Med. head; lower half of the post. surface of humerus below the spiral groove
A: The Long Head aids in extension and adduction of the arm-The Medial Head is the workhorse of forearm extension active at all speeds and in the presence or absence of resistance-The Lateral Head is the strongest but is it recruited into activity primarily against resistance -Pronation and Supination of the forearm do not affect triceps operation
Forearm muscles
Anterior muscles
Superficial group
Flexor carpi ulnaris
I: inserted into pisiform bone & by mean of two ligaments, pisohamate & pisometacarpal, into hook of hamate & base of 5 th metacarpal bone respectively
O: common flexor tendon medial humeral epicondyle - ulnar head: med. side of olecranon process & post. border of ulna
Deep muscles
Flexor policis longus
A: Primarily, Flexes distal phalanx of first digit (thumb) at the interphalangeal joint-Secondary, the proximal phalanx and first metacarpal at the metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joint
Posterior muscles
Superficial muscles
N.S: radial nerve C5, C6 & C7
Deep muscles
extensor pollicis brevis
O: posterior surface of radius below the origin of the abductor pollicis longus & adjacent part of interosseous membrane
extensor pollicis longus
O: posterior surface of ulna below origin of abductor pollicis longus & adjacent part of interosseous membrane
A: Extends distal phalanx of thumb at interphalangeal Joint-Extends metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joints
extensor indicis
O: posterior surface of ulna below origin of extensor pollicis longus & adjacent part of interosseous membrane
I: posterolateral surface of neck of radius to be inserted into post., lat., & ant. aspects of neck of radius & upper part of shaft of radius
O: lateral humeral epicondyle, lat. collateral lig. of elbow joint & annular lig. of sup. radioulnar joint