Oxycodone Indications: Relief of moderate to sever pain in adults. Action: An opioid agonist oxycodone reacts to opioid receptors throughout the body resulting in sedation, analgesia and euphoria. Mu receptors are typically pain blocking, other piod receptors include, kappa, beta and sigma. Mu receptors also account for respiratory depression, euphoria, decreased GI activity (discussed to the right see docusate), and physical dependence. Dose range: 5-30mg 6-8 hourly PRN. Route: Per oral - varied onset, 60minute peak, 5-7 hour duration, SC rapid onset, 50-90 min peak, 5-6 hour duration, IV immediate onset, 20 min peak and 5-6 hour duration, IM rapid onset, 30-60 min peak ad 5-6 hour duration. Drug to drug interactions: When given with barbituate general anasthetics, phenothiazines or MAO increase chance of respiratory depression, hypotension, sedation or coma. Close monitoring post op if interactions cant be avoided. Side effects: Dizziness, sedations, nausea, vomiting, rash, dry mouth, constipation, respiratory depression, cardiac arrecr, apnoea, uretral spasm. Contraindications: In the presence of an allergy to oxycondone or morphine, classified as pregnancy class B compared to 3 for other opiod agonists making potential drug of choice in same. Caution required in persons with respiratory depression.