The Five Cannons of Rhetoric
Rhetoric is the third liberal art
Invention is the process of coming up with what to say
Arrangement is the way that a work or idea is organized
Elocution basically means the way something is said
Memory is the act of remembering something
Delivery pertains to the mechanics presenting the created speech or composition.
it is exclusively for high school students
it enables us to
recognize and understand beautiful language
how to write and speak skillfully
however children learn how to
memorize (poll-parrot)
argue (pert)
be creative (poetic)
the first task in rhetoric is progymnasmata
retell a fable
imitation is vital to learning a skill
you need to have a good relationship to show creativity
retelling shows the power of combination and permutation
this leads to new thoughts making invention more natrual
Invention in it's most basic form is getting stuff out of the mind
it is hard to get stuff out that isn't there
to put stuff in we need to ask questions
ordering and framing ideas and be the defining factor between something being enjoyable and confusing
giving students an arrangement they must follow helps them to write in a more ordered and cohesive way.
this teaches essential organizational sikills
in practicing fundamentals of arrangement students gain competence and confidence
the vocabulary, sentence structure, and expressions used will affect the reader's perception of the ideas.
memory is a critical part of elocation
the power of expressive language will be a function of the great database of language in the brain
greater facility however can be promoted by using imitation and exercise
this is where it all begins
it goes far beyond memorizing a speech
if we don't memorize anything we don't know anything
language, vocabulary, sentence patters , syntax, imaginative schemes and tropes that we store in our minds through memory are the stuff from which all our thinking, writing and speaking become possible
Provide students with the tools to memorize
click to edit
"Memory is the cabinet of imagination, the treasury of reason, the registry of conscience, and the council chamber of though."
Delivery is improved by good
vocal modulation
eye contact
it is said that "drama is the capstone of rhetoric"
delivery is improved by reciting short works, speeches from plays,and history
practicing this boosts their confidence
practicing this furnishes their minds