Sustainability Curriculum



Motivation and balance

Mental model :


Three pillars

Democracy as a central frame in classrooms


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Sustainability (definition)


Australian Curriculum

not limited to just the env sustblty


Existing practises

Introduction of the narrative of sustainability

Sustainability is not a separate subject – it is embedded across all relevant learning areas

Possible solutions/corrections for each platform

Global Case Studies /Latest Developments

Future scope in sustainability and then
teach/prepare students with skills for those areas?

interdisciplinary “gateway” courses

Classes with no lectures‐‐student‐directed learning/Students should be able to teach others

challenge unsustainable practices, question things that haven’t been questioned

Small scale things that can be done—individual to social groups
Empowerment, not guilt trip

incorporate Non-classroom activities-recycling/composting etc

Brundtland Commission





"Toitū te Ao"

"A sustainable world"

Coperative,Experimental and inquiry learning

Small scale/local to be able to think local before moving global

Place based

Project based

People based

Planet Based

Profit Based

Ecoiterate Student

five domains of study:






ecological intelligence


Communal Practise

Make invisible consequences VISIBLE

Understanding the ecological interconected system way of life

experience rather than preach

Ross model

Making the practise in use in future

Proffesional Devlp approach

Teachers are people already working in this area

Think local decisions

be able to draw invisible consequences

Work and collaborate with real projects/org around

Learning to last

Use less

Education for sustainability((EFS)

Recycling A-Z

Living Labs

World Cafes

Less is more???

Framework for every school to develop their own LOCAL SUSTAINABILITY CURRICULUM


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what's in it for them

development education

environmental education

People come first,
poverty, development, justice is the main priority
Environment and conservation is secondary

Opposite of Development education, here nature is the priority.

Balance between both


1950 and 1960,
space race pushed people to learn maths and science, 100 of dollars got
invested to create engineers for successful space programe

so limitations is also there,
how much ESD should be incorporated? along with traditional education system
why traditional education system needed and how does it help us compare to ESD


economy security


for ESD both the factors are important like economic wellbeing and the principles of sustainability


Education for sustainable devpt (ESD)

learning to know, learning to be, learning to live together, learning to do and learning to transform oneself and society.”

Ecological Footprint Indicator-which compares impact of human actions on the ecology with natural resources available to supply key ecosystem services

the principle of reuse, reduce and recycle. In some cases it is a matter of personal choice but for a large majority, it is necessitated by economic compulsions.

environmental education (EE)

Case Study in India

Eco schools India

ONLY 1-5 classes

Award to school on each level milestone

CEE India

Wipro earthian

NGram - sustainability


1.Identify where you lie in the awareness steps/how sustainable are you?

2.Identify area of interest for-fashion, food and agriculture, consumerism etc

3.Identify current practises by the user

4.Introduce keywords and concepts in that context- permaculrure, aquaphonics, slow fashion, upcycling,second life products etc

5.Someway to be able to track their progress too?

Could be a questionnaire they take in the start they places them in each section, like the personality test

Be able to divide it into small sections that users could concentrate on at a time and start.

Could be simpls steps to do follow, or a core value or a simplified motto they can follow to simple thought processes and ease their choice making-

How to break it down?

Sections or sectors -food, fashion, travel etc

Basic Elemnts- Water, Air, Erath etc

Alphabetically break it down to different topics ?

By different methods possible- what all can be reused, recycled, upcycle, like a directory of methods.

Beginner modules
with basic skill set and
tangible outputs and behavioral

How to make them think

Let's make a demo model
and see what can be done.

curriculum should be
flexible and adaptable

multidisciplinary approach
similar to IIT guwhati

are we seeking something job oriented
or something for corporates,
or mix
or something flexible which can be implemented anywhere
example a multidiscplinary approach, may be some element
will be used and some won't.

Policy change

Complete course

Basic structure

standard subjects, along
with vocational skills and subjects

Introduction and what changes can be done
eg change in environment, conscious thinking.

maths, science, music, philosophy,
design, Drama. an introduction to everything
but on a broader level

challenges of multidisciplinary approach

Established curriculum examples

Two way approach
so to deliver the content, is it possible
that one person will be able to deliver it?
Don't we need NGOs teachers, skilled workers
to deliver it. Training for teachers

Challenges by sustainability and curriculum

Bring trans disciplinary