Global Context, Key Concept and Related Concept
Key Concept Of L&L
What is a Related Concept?
A related concept is a word/words that help a person understand the various topics that will be covered in a unit.
Perspective is a viewpoint in which you look at a situation, thought, idea, etc. It is when you look at it through one lens only to understand how it turns out.
Connections is a relationship that happens through similarities between two or more things. In L&L, it is by relating a scenario/situation to text, a text to a scenario/situation, a text to a text, etc.
Creativity is when you are changing an idea/thought already made or making a new one. It is an out of the box idea that has not been made before.
Communication is when you exchange information to a source. It can happen through any form: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, etc. Communication can happen to give/receive anything: knowledge, ideas, thoughts, opinions, perspectives, etc
What is a Key Concept?
A Key Concept is a word/words that helps a person understand what direction the unit will be focusing on and the different things the unit will go through.
Related Concepts of L&L
Audience Imperatives - How the target audience should feel about the piece should be decided by the writer.
Character - The person/thing/animal going through the events in a story.
Context - How the piece is relevant.
Genres - The styles in which a piece is constructed.
Intertextuality - The relationship between two or more writing pieces.
Point of View - The perspective from which you view the piece.
Purpose - The reason behind writing the piece for the target audience.
Self - Expression - Expressing yourself through the piece.
Setting - The place in which the events happen.
Structure - The format of the text.
Style - the way in which the piece is represented.
Theme - The major topic of the piece.
What is a Global Context?
A Global Context is a specific theme on which the entire unit is based on.
Global Contexts of L&L
Identities and Relationships
The connection and of who an individual/group is and a text.
Fairness and Development
How everything can be equal and improvement can take place through it.
Orientation Through Space and Time
The connection between a text and it's relevance in a specific place and time.
Scientific and Technical Innovation
How technology and science has developed and the changes it has brought.
Personal and Cultural Expression
How an individual/group expresses themselves.
Globalization and Sustainability
The interaction between a group of people and the ways in which it is needed for survival. Going through similar beliefs at the core.