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Capstone Project Map - Critical Consumption - Coggle Diagram
Capstone Project Map - Critical Consumption
Capstone Project 1 - Critical Consumption
Web application for all project
How does the internet shape the information we consume
The Atlantic Audience
Website built in JavaScript and React
Web app hosted on Heroku
Supporting article 1:
Supporting article 2:
Disagreeing article 1:
Disagreeing article 2:
Structure and Outline
Brief Introduction
Description and summary of author and piece
Agreeing sources
Disagreeing Sources
Personal analysis and opinions
Video summarizing the project
Screenshots of mind map from Coggle
Further discussion prompt and question
Contact for further discussion
Capstone Project 3 - Participatory Futures
He makes a good argument about why children should be coding just like they are learning to write well
She makes a good argument that learning to code improves all areas of cognitive ability
This TIME article offers great logical arguments about why coding should be part of school systems offers great statistics about the status of computer science education in the United States
Two Opposing Articles
Four Supporting Articles
This article offers insight about the
current state of Computer Science in public student opinions
This article talks about why computer science is a tough subject to make mandatory in shools
Book of Martha
The thing that stuck with me while reading “The Book of Martha” was the emphasis that it placed on the nature of actions and consequences
Actions have consequences
Making programming courses a requirement in school systems.
Proposed argument
If I could change one thing about humanity that would ensure our survival and thriving in the future, it would be to make programming a required subject in schools
Technology and the internet have caused drastic change in almost every industry. This change will continue to occur as technology continues to evolve, and more people will be needed for understanding the products
Emergent Strategy Element
Non-linear and iterative
Adaption would require years of work
School systems would ned to repeatedly improve their programming courses material, making it very iterative
How will technology help?
Current technology tools are enabling students to learn anything from anywhere, which makes a transition to learning programming very easy. Additionally, current technology tools for learning code are extremely advanced and user-friendly. Furthermore, as technology continues to evolve, there will be more tools for students and educators to choose from.
Header image:
Also, posting the Unit 2 project on the website to make a complete portfolio
This article offers tips about how to make great podcasts. Will use for the audio section of my project.
Coggle mbedded implementation link:
<iframe width='853' height='480' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
The influence of corporations and government. Perhaps mention the current investigations on the largest tech companies. How would these problems affect my proposal?
Structure and Outline
Hosted on my Web Application for this course in the Unit 3 section of the website:
Planning on a similar structure to my unit 1 project but also incorporating a podcast section near the end and a coggle mind map as well.
Project Structure
Personal Reflection section - about 2-3 paragraphs
Podcast about how technology now and in the future is going to help realize this transformation.
Coggle Mind Map embedded from for easy mind-map navigation
Questions for the audience to consider placed on left hand sidebar
How should governments change their budget to adapt to the change?
How can we ensure that corporations do not take advantage of this tranformation?
At what level of government should decisions about the transformation be made?
What tools should be used in teaching children to code?
How can we make regulation that benefits student learning?
How can we make better teaching tools?
Contact information and encouraging message to reach out
Propose the main thesis question at hand: How can we ensure that today's children are well-prepared to us the professional tools of the future?
Include 2 contrasting articles about topic
Display two supporting articles from the "Research section of the podcast"
Title and Heading: Digital Transformation: Bringing Advanced Programming Education to US School Systems
References section
Capstone Project 2 - Positive Obsession Podcast
Article about closing the achievement gap
Harvard Video about the inequality gap in the US
Stanford Informational Article about closing the achievement gap
TED Speech about the education gap
US Census Education Statistics
UNESCO Statistics about race gaps in education
Educational inequality is the basis of all other achievement inequalities because it begins to differentiate underserved children early in life
Backdrop Image of the podcast
Podcast Transcript to make it easy to follow along
Suggested Title: Closing the Gap on Education
Podcast topic: Educational Welfare In the United States
Joe Rogan's Podcasts have a curious tone that keeps the audience listening
This psychology podcast series has a great structure of organization that I aim to follow
The following is a podcast prototype of structure that I will see to help guide me
Storyboarding (Structure and Outline Branch)
The following is an outline of the content that will be covered in the unit podcast project.
Proposal for how to lower the gap
In response to Corinne's feedback
Expected effect of doing the above proposal.
Comparison with other, better education systems
Canada, Korea, Japan, Etc. (commenting for the feedback from Peng)
Clip of somebody saying the same thing about the need for economic distribution.
Current state of American education
Further questions the listener can explore about the topic
Topic and thesis question that the podcast will explore
Call to action: how can the listener help
Introduction to the podcast
How I am planning on doing my part
Title and Header
Thank you and conclusion
Topic of the Podcast: US Educational and Achievement Gaps
Talk about how this topic is important to me
Capstone Project 4 - Reflexive Design in my Unit Participatory Futures Project
Ideate and Brainstorm
I thought that it would be great to put the podcasting skills that I had learned in the previous unit to use and make another podcast.
I also wanted to continue the website I had started creating for Unit 1, so I ended up developing it to include all of the projects for this course.
The letter from the author will go in the home page, then the user will navigate through the website after having read the letter in the home page
Letter From the Editor
Prototype and Test
For unit 3's project, I wanted to create a website that contained a podcast and transcript to read along to as well as some added readings for the user to explore and some apps to expand their learning about the topic I was talking about in the podcast.
As I then completed the project and incorporated elements such as the Book of Martha and the Emergent Strategy, it became more important to consider how to place items for the reader to consider them important test repeatedly.
Empathize, Research, and Define
During the planning process for my participatory futures project, I spent time thinking about the people who suffered from not having the necessary technological skills when they tried to enter th workforce. As companies become more technological and complex, education needs to teach students the skills they will need in the future.
In order to research and ideate in past projects, I would look for articles from experts who agreed and disagreed with the topic I was discussing. This gave me more content to talk about as well as some articles to suggest to my listeners.
Structure and Outline
The initial process of design thinking when creating my project for unit 3 was centered around producing a podcast about what I believed to bee the best change we could currently see in the world as well as provide other sources for the user of the website to read more.
To do this efficiently, I constantly revised my structure and eventually even made the podcast element the main part of my final project. I wanted to make sure that I was telling my audience a captivating story.
Will be using the website created for storing the other projects from throughout this course
Instead of having four different tabs for each project, make the whole website b the portfolio project containing the other smaller two projects.