Reasons:lack of skills,lack of stimulation,maintenance difficulties.Causes:predisposing factors-internal factors such as emotional instability of one partner,irritating or distasteful personal habits,changing interests etc. Precipitating factors-external factors such as reduced proximity,other people (real or imagined),money etc.
Each levels have a threshold: if the threshold is crossed, we move on the next stage of the model.However partner may reassess and decide the relationship isn't so bad,halting the process of breakdown.
Duck's phase model or breakdown:1.Intrapsychic processes-personal brooding-Social withdrawal-'rumination'.Resentment.Brooding on partner's faults& relational costs.Re-evaluation of alternatives to relationship.Threshold:I can't stand this anymore.2.Dyadic-discusion with partner-talk about 'our relationship',equity,roles.Reassessment of goals,possibilities,commitments.Discussion of discontents/issues.Threshol:I'd be justified in withdrawing.3.Social processes-Issues made public-going public;seeking support from others.Threshold: I mean it.4.Grave dressing processes-social face-tidying up memories;making relational histories.Threshold:It's now inevitable.
Resurrection processes:recreating sense of own social value,defining what to get out of relationships.Preparation for future relationship.Threshold:Time to get a new life.Reframing of past relational life:What I learned and how things will be different.
Application to helping people reverse the process:Model suggests that some repair strategies might be more effective at one stage rather than another e.g.intra-psychic stage partners could brood more positively.Less helpful if brooding was encouraged if a person is already at social stage.Suggests that the model can lead to supportive suggestions that may help people through this difficult time their lives.
Original model what incomplete:Rollie and Duck (2006) added a fifth resurrection phase in which ex-partners begin to use what they learned from the last relationship to prepare for a future one.The refined version also clarified that movements through the stages is neither linear nor inevitable and partners may return to an earlier phase.This suggests that original phase model is therefore only a partial explanation of the process of relationship breakdown.
Research based on individualist cultures.Moghaddam et al. (1993) propose releationships in individualist cultures are mostly voluntary andend quite often whereas in collictivist cultures relationship are more frequently 'obligatory' and less easy to end.Concept of relationship differs between cultures and therefore the process if relationship breakdown is likely to differ.Model can only be applied to some cultures and types of relationship.