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Aphasia in adults (2) - Coggle Diagram
Aphasia in adults (2)
Aphasia lang char
Difficulty naming entities, breakdown in output
Word finding difficulties eg. tip of tongue. Most ppl have this BUT are this is NOT anomic aphasia
Can still use gestures
Problem w retrieval-might substitute words/circumlocute
Omit grammar eg. articles/prepositions, -s, -ed, can happen in whole/part of sentence
Use content words: telegraphic speech
May speak in short, fragmented phrases- consist of nouns, verbs, releatively few fn words eg. articles, conjunctions
Char of non-fluent aphasia: the word 'and' is prevalent in most pt's with Broca's aphasia
Use descriptions, defns, sound effects for target words, can happen in written modalities also
Talk around intended word. This might help them rmb eventually
X efficient in retrieving right word at right time
Deficit in written lang comprehension, reading aloud
Visual then semantic eg. symphony--> orchestra
Phonologically plausible: love--> loave
Impaired written expression
Phonologically plausible
Additions, deletions, subst letters
Production of entire sentences in which all content words, sometimes also function words, are replaced with neologisms
Fluent, well-articulated but lacks meaning for listener, full of neologistic paraphasias, strings of neologisms w some connecting words, almost unintelligible
Eg. the weather today is fully under the jimjam and the altigabber
Inappropriate repeat previous response when response X needed anymore, sometimes this response might be wrong
1. Recurrent (Most common):
Correctly names picture but when moving to name another object, still stuck on same one
2. Stuck in set perseveration:
Name foods, task change to name clothes, but still name food.
Errors made using grammatical elements
Use lots of inflections, function words but WRONG/over-used
Lang char by subst of inappropriate syntactic elements, BUT is fluent
Error of speech: subst wrong sounds/words for target sounds/words OR errors in naming
Sound errors subst, additions, omissions, rearrangement of target word phonemes
More than half of intended word is preserved-errors sound like target word
Can be real/non-words Eg. wishdasher, decemmer, kursday, wafe, wipe for pipe
Invented, seems to serve ling function, meaning is X apparent in utterance. fluently articulated error word
X identify as coming from pt's lang, X semantically related to target word
Nonsense to listener
eg. we are having a semling, let's go wordle.
word choice error that is semantically related to target word eg. table--> chair, banana--> apple
not semantically related to target word eg. table--> cat, banana--> computer
Empty speech
Term used to describe fluent speech lacking in info, content
Content words subst with general words eg. things, stuff or pronouns without referents
Stereotypical utterances
Speech that is not meaningful, no purpose
PWA continues talking when its their turn to listen
Fluent speech-tends to be rapid, interrupts others
PWA striving for a sense that he/she has communicated what they intended to say
Impacts of aphasia
Writing: filling in forms, letter, card, shopping lists, emails
Speaking: naming fam members, conversing w others, breakdown in comm, difficulty explaning situations, asking for prescription
Reading: books, magazines, forms, paperwork, instructions, road signs
Listening: conversing w others, following instructions, speaking on the phone, watching TV/listening to radio, unds joke
Socio ling unds of function of comm
Transactional: exchange of info
Interactional: establish, maintain r/s
unds person's medical/neurological condition
Lang impairment
Social conseq, impacts on comm life--> incl identity, wellbeing
Problems w r/s, employment, orles, identity, hobbies, leisure activities, lack of confidence--> decreased participation- social conseq of living w changed comm abilities, anxiety, isolation, depression, adaptation for successful living w aphasia