ASSESSMENT: last assessment done at 1513
Neuro: Pt is awake, A & O x 4. Pt is able to have a conversation and content is appropriate. Speech is clear. Affect is pleasant and pt is cooperative. Pupils are 3mm.
Cardiovascular: Regular rate (94) and rhythm present. S1 and S2 present. S3 and S4 not present. No murmurs present. Cap refill <3 seconds on all fingers and toes. Mild edema present on the left leg. Radial, posterior tibialis, and dorsalis pedis pulses 2+ bilaterally with a regular rhythm.
Respiratory: Anterior and posterior breath sounds CTA. Respirations regular and unlabored. Pt is on room air.
GI: No pain upon abdominal palpitation. Abdomen is flat, symmetric, color is consistent with ethnicity, no visible masses or aortic pulsations, and no distention noted. Abdomen soft, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants. Pt was NPO from midnight up to surgery. Pt is now eating a regular diet.
GU: Pt has a 24 gauge peripheral IV on right AC with Lactated Ringers running at 54 mL/hr. Pt excreted a total of 600 mL of clear, yellow urine throughout the day before being discharged.
Musculoskeletal: Pt is a high fall risk. Cannot walk on own. Dad stated that he is going to carry around the patient until the 2 week follow up with the orthopedic surgeon. Both arms and right leg have full ROM. Pt has difficulty moving left leg due to being post-op only about 4 hours. Pt has 5/5 muscle strength in both arms and right leg. Muscle strength on left leg unable to be tested. Left leg elevated above heart level. Pt had PT (it was not tolerated well. Pt experienced a lot of pain).
Skin: Pt's skin is warm, dry, pink, and intact other than the 2 incision sites on the sides of the pt's left knee. Incision site is covered with gauze and tegaderm (x2), an ACE bandage, and an immobilizer.
EENMT: Mucous membranes are pink, moist, and intact. No deformities or irregularities noted.