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DIGC 120: Capstone Projects, Research on what the youth are doing for the…
DIGC 120: Capstone Projects
CAPSTONE PROJECT 1: Blended Response Project
What digital artifact am I responding to? (Summary & Main Features)
Nicholas Carr’s article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”
It shares how we are being cognitively altered by the digital world.
Why this artifact? What resonates/ bothers me about it and why?
The idea that we have all been mass 'reprogrammed' by the internet is scary. But we now know it's possible to do so. That means that we are being intentially engineered to think in a certain way that brings in profit for players in the digital space. If we change this goal of making profits to solving world problems, will we then develop the means to reprogram the world at a cognitive level to do so?
What does this piece of media try to accomplish? What is it persuading me to think and do?
It's persuading me to think about how my cognitive abilities are being altered by external factors.
Shedding light on how “our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts.”
The internet is making us machine like in our interactions. It’s gamifying our lives.
Who is it's audience? How is the language/ style/ digital space catered for it audience?
What is the effect of the multi modal text on other communities? What future does it create?
What are the most effective multimodal media elements that I can use to create this project?
A Website As A Base!
It matches my "style of creative expression". (I run something akin to a website development company, so it's personal to me"
Video Tool: Instagram - Represents the fast, to-the-point fashion that information is presented on the internet that has trained us to shorten our attention span
Insta Stories that Walk Through the Method the Internet uses to reprogram us into having these short attention spans
Posts to highlight the rhetoric methods of persuasion that are highlighted
Animated Explainer Video that walks through the base of my concept?
Embbed Tweets to show how people have adapted to Twitter's rules and how it has changed the way they think
How does it's choice of text/ elements effect its success in carrying out its purpose?
For an article that spends the length of it's time on exploring how we have lost the ability to read long paragraphs of information, it is written in a long paragraph - thus alienation those it should reach out to!
What elements does my chosen text use and where does it draw its research / insipiration?
Real world effects of the examined text or similar texts
Research the demographic and audience behind this text
How effective has it been in accomplishing it's objective? What are the general responses to it?
Structure/ Outline
What type of multi-modal media am I using?
What are my main takeaways?
Creating an Outline
Rhetorical Approach
Sorting out the content from my brainstorming and research into my outline
Thesis Statement/ Main Point
Supporting Ideas
Finishing My Content Outline
Discussing my ideas with others
Transferring Content Outline into my (very rough) first draft
Dissecting Information and Ideas I like from the 1st Draft
Second Draft Content Outline
Writing the Second Draft
Ideas & Creativity Check
Fact Check
Grammar Check
Creating my final draft
CAPSTONE PROJECT #2: Positive Obsession Podcast
Things that I'm obsessed with
Culture? History? Learning About Ancient Civilizations
Working with students/ problem solving
Social Enterprise
"Building The Future"
"Building the Future
Scientist's Research on Climate Change
Why we won't even have the time to worry about AI: We'll destroy ourselves before that happens
How AI and other technologies are just "inherit our biases" (Remember watching this in high school, still can't get it out of my head)
Solutions. Refer: on Prototyping Branch to the solutions by students. Also refer to Ascendance Methodology
Structure / Outline
Storyboarding - My Positive Obsession: The Future
Introduction: What comes to mind when we say "The Future"?
Introduction: What Our Future is Actually Shaping up to look like
Why is this my positive Obsession
How did we get here? How are we creating the future? Who is currently creating the future?
What is the future we want? How do we get there?
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The future we are creating isn't changing anything much from the present. It takes our current "system" of living but refines it using new technologies.
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That's why "The Future" is my positive obsession. I am obsessed with the idea that, we, human beings have the power to make a better future
But if we had the answers to all these world problems... wouldn't we have done them already? That's why we need new ideas that are defined by the current "system" of how the world works - we need the ideas of the young.
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I've always loved science, history, the arts and other creative mediums of expression
The Climate Crisis may make our planet uninhabitable in 10 to 20 years. Income inequality traps individuals in endless cycles of debts, working low paying jobs over long hours. Anxiety, depression and suicide is on the rise. Racism and suppression leads to the deaths of millions all over the world. Famine, lack of housing, poverty and slums are still very real things.
We are fighting millions of battles against injustice everyday, on a planet that's already beginning to seek retribution for the injustice we have done to it. The technology we develop isn't creating the revolution we need, it's amplifying the problems we are facing
Some #Stats. See Guy McPherson's Research.
A Utopic Future like from the movies we watch, i.e. Back to the Future 2, Star Trek, Minority Report, Terminator
Get Sound Effects from Each of these movies
Mention specific innovations of "the future", hoverboards, time travel, predicting things before they happen, manifesting food from thin air.
What do I see when I think of the future? Everyone doing what they love for the collective growth of humanity. Humanity entering the next era of the arts, music, movies, architecture. Everyone's basic needs are met without putting a strain on the worlds resources
Movie Soundtracks
Back to the future
Star Trek
Other Sci Fy Movies: Minority Report, Terminator, Avengers
Random Sound Bits
Flying Cars (Woosh), Time Travel/ Teleportation,Typing
Old radio distortion noises
News Clips
Forest Fires News Clip
Climate Change News Clip
Coronavirus surpasses XXX deaths clip
Mental Health News Clip
Poverty Line/ Income Inequality News Clip
Snippets from Interviews of Inspiring Young People
Tracy Rabi (Financial Lit) -
Freya Thakral (Recycling & Sustainble Jobs) -
Sheldom & Emerson - Art & Environment
Kelvin Doe ( Innovation) -
Joanna Baptista (Equality) -
Macinley Butson's SMART (Reducing Radtion during Cancer Treatment) -
Podcasts I Like
I Like "TED" and "Netflix"'s introductions - simple and clean
The Daily Show with Trever Noah Podcast introduction is great!
In terms of editing and the flow of content, I liked the "Birth of American Music" Podcast
I don't know if this counts but I really like the trailer in this podcast for the Marvel's podcast show... I like the transitions between the different news snippets
CAPSTONE PROJECT #3: Participatory Futures Project
Adapting in Learning
Adapting to Climate Change
multimodal artifact
A YouTube styled Video/Playlist?
A Music Video?
Documentary Styled Video
Something interactive: A Chose Your Own Story Video?
Outline / Structure
Introduction/ Setting the Stage: How I see the future?
One thing that we can change now that will build this future
Current work that is leading towards it
The downside: What could go wrong?
Conclusion: Who decides whether it works?
Postive Obssession that would help this vision
Obsessed with change. Get restless, get bored and become aware when habit patterns of thought start setting in
We need to adapt ourselves to becoming more open-minded and begin listening to the ideas of the young.
Used by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. This is what corporations (esp tech companies) are already in the midst of doing
Changes to the current education system
The work I'm currently doing that is geared towards getting students to better adapt
Technology giving us a means to adapt faster
Learn newer perspectives/ find out what other people think or are going through
Gives us access to information that opens up our minds and shows us alternative ways to think
Share about how machine learning is adapting to how humans think and process information, can be used in the future to get us to adapt our own abilities to process information as well
For humans to be able to adapt to change better & faster
On a physical level: Get's us the ability to overcome the issues that are currently threatening our existence i.e. Climate Change, with long term, creative and sustainable solutions
On an intellectual level: Get society to be able to adapt to the latest ways of thought, see things clearer and not be easily swayed as our ability to think evolves and adapts to the latest technological advances that are employed to manipulate us
On an emotional level: Resentment and tension between people/ groups of people slowly reduces as we have higher emotional maturity to understand different groups in society by being able to see things from their eyes
A World After World Problems
Space Travel/ Exploring New Worlds
Life On Earth, everyone being able to do what they love to do collectively
No political tension or worries, No Poverty,
Everyone focused on growing themselves emotionally, mentally and learning about who they are
Tools to Use
Google Earth (Record Screen Video)
Adobe Spark (Video Editing)
Premier Pro
CAPSTONE PROJECT #4: Digital Portfolio Project
What type of media to use?
What content to feature/ highlight?
Unit 1
Mapping Digital Literacy Assignment
Blended Response Project
Unit 2
On Being Heard Assignment (Analysis the Podcast - Birth of American Music)
Worldbuilding and Critical Networks - "I see fake people" podcast analysis
Unit 3
Podcasts + Materials Discussion: Making Change
-Changing Humanity & What Struck me when reading the Book of Martha
Share Briefly about Capstone Project 3
Unit 4
Last link should link to the beginning of this presentation as it's the final capstones project
Public Participation Assignment - Thank you Black Twitter
Reflexive Design Discussion (Using concepts learnt in our personal life)
Creating my positive obsession podcast, "The Future"
Share about the process of getting feedback
Outline / Structure
Working Backwards: Retrogrative Analysis
The End Goal: How can the available technological resources we have aid in creating an interconnected global network that is striving towards solutions to world problems?
(Question from Week 1 to be answered by Week8)
Having an Interconnected Mindset: Mapping Digital Literacy Activity (Changing the way we think from linear to spiral)
On changing the way our brains work: Blended Response Project: Response to Nicholas Carr's article. The key question: If social media is already changing the way we think, can we use that to steer everyone towards solving world problems? Why the medium is in the message - My response project should be a stepping stone to figuring how to do that
I see Fake people & Filter Bubble's Response: The birth of the "Borg Collective" - Where our society is heading.
Positive Obsession Podcast: The Future. Why the world is becoming the way it is, my vision for the future and what I'm obsessed with (my work) of getting to that future
Share about the peer review feedback involved in shaping the podcast: primarily how the topic is my positive obsession and the process afterwards of fleshing it out
The Book of Martha to me was a direct continuation of that question about building the future. My response to Podcasts + Materials Discussion: Making Change
-Changing Humanity & What Struck me when reading the Book of Martha - my realization that humanity has the resources to create an interconnected society, solve world problems and end many of the global issues that currently exists (poverty, racism, etc), we are just not adapting fast enough as we've been conditioned to see the things around us the way that "the world has prepared us for"
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The idea of Fractal (Emergent Strategies) going from micro to macro, changing within before without
Design Thinking Process
The medium is in the message
The End Goal: How can the available technological resources we have aid in creating an interconnected global network that is striving towards solutions to world problems?
Implementation & Protyping
Research on what the youth are doing for the future