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PPP encapsulation Method > format used when supporting upper layer ps such as IP IPXLCP Link Control P > method of establishing configuring and negotiating and testing the data-link connectionNCP Net Control P > set of Ps for establishing a connction and negotiating params for diffrent Net-layer ps
MRU Maximum Recieve Unit (1500) > total len of the into and padding field for the ppp frameAuthentification Protocol (No Auth) > used by the peerMagic-Number (Enable) > generated randomly used for link-loop detection
successful PPP negotiations result in a Configure-Ack reply to a Configure-Request packetConfigure-Nak packets are generated where params are recognized but not all are acceptedConfigure-Reject packets are generated where not all params are recognized by the peer
The Password Athentification P relies on the transmission of a passwd over the link for peer authentification
The Challenge HandShake Authentication Protocol relies on a challenge and challenge response for peer authentication
The internet Protocol Control Protocol IPCP is the Network Control P NCP used for establishing and configuring IP
[RT]>interface Serial 1/0/0[RT-Serial1/0/0]>link-protocol hdlc (ppp by default)[RT-Serial1/0/0]>ip address 30 (for the interface)
[RT]>interface Serial 1/0/0[RT-Serial1/0/0]>link-protocol hdlc (ppp by default)[RT-Serial1/0/0]>ip addres unnumbered interface loopBack 0 (borrow from loopback interface)
[RT]>display ip interface brief
[RT]>interface Serial 1/0/0[RT-Serial1/0/0]>link-protocol ppp (ppp by default)[RT-Serial1/0/0]>ip address 30 (for the interface)
[RT]>aaa[RTA-aaa]>local-user userName password cipher passwd[RTA-aaa]>local user userName service-type ppp[RTA]>interface Serial 1/0/0[RTA-Serial1/0/0]>link-protocol ppp[RTA-Serial1/0/0]>ppp authentication-mode pap[RTA-Serial1/0/0]>ip address 30Authenticated[RTB]>interface Serial 1/0/0[RTB-Serial1/0/0]>link-protocol ppp[RTB-Serial1/0/0]>ppp pap local-user userName password cipher passwd[RTB-Serial1/0/0]>ip address 30Validation[RTB]>debugging ppp pap all
[RT]>aaa[RTA-aaa]>local-user userName password cipher passwd[RTA-aaa]>local user userName service-type ppp[RTA]>interface Serial 1/0/0[RTA-Serial1/0/0]>link-protocol ppp[RTA-Serial1/0/0]>ppp authentication-mode chapAuthenticated[RTB]>interface Serial 1/0/0[RTB-Serial1/0/0]>link-protocol ppp[RTB-Serial1/0/0]>ppp chap user userName[RTB-Serial1/0/0]>ppp chap password cipher passwdValidation[RTB]>debugging ppp chap all
Ethernet has disadvantage of the user cannot be authetificated but one benifit of PPP > it can help us auth the users but for PPP link the Bandwidth is very limited soo for that we can use the PPP over Ethernet ensuring the high bandwidth and the authentification for the users >>> PPPoE
Successive Broadband tech following dial-upData signals carried over copper telephone lines or "local loop"
PADI > PPPoE Active Discovery InitiationPADO > PAD Offer packetPADR > PAD Request packetPADS > PAD Session packetPADT > PAD Terminate packet
Used to notify of the termination of a PPPoE session
Privately addressed hosts cannot exist in the public DomainAddres Translation along with PPPoE necessaryAuthentification with the Server Through the PPPoE clinet is necessay in order for hosts to communicate with server
[RT]>dialer-rule[RT-dialer-rule]>dialer-rule 1 in permit[RT-dialer-rule]>quit[RT]>interface dialer 1[RT-Dialer1]>dialer user enterprise[RT-Dialer1]>dialer group 1 (combine dialer interface to dilaeerGrp 1)[RT-Dialer1]>dialer bundle 1 (bind physical if with logical Dialer if)[RT-Dialer1]>ppp chap user enterpriseUser[RT-Dialer1]>ppp chap password cipher passwd[RT-Dialer1]>ip address ppp-negotiateenables the function of requesting for an IP address from the peer device.Dialer Interface Configuration Validation[client]>display interacce Dialer 1
[RT]>interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1[RT-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]>pppoe-client dial-bundle-number 1 on-demand[RT-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]>quit[RT]>ip route-static 0 dialer 1PPPoE Session validationthe PPPoE session status can be determined as either IDLE in the discovery stage (PADI/PADR) or UP[RouterPPPoEClient]>display pppoe-client session summary