How do therapy dogs effectively assist in the rehabilitation with victims suffering from psychological and physical abuse?

Paragraph 1: Different types of therapy animals and what individuals benefit from them

Paragraph 4: Use of therapy animals within a court facility

Paragraph 3: Research that has been made supporting the effectiveness of AAI

Paragraph 2: Implementation of therapy animals within Australia

Paragraph 6: Limitations of this therapy method



Key findings-

Supporting sources-

Dr Tiffani Howell and Dr Mia Cobb responses

Source 1, K9 website by Tessa Stow

Companion dogs

Visitation dogs

Therapy dogs

Assistance dogs

Emotional support dogs

Key findings-

Supporting sources-

LaTrobe University's involvement in the program

Source 1, K9 support by Tessa Stow

Source 8

Reference specific individuals, as described in interview conducted with Tiffani Howell

Key findings-

Supporting sources-

Introduce research question

State purpose/aim

Justification of topic and how it is relevant to society

Dr Howells response

Justify use of both primary and secondary resources to answer inquiry question

Source 8

Key findings-

Supporting sources-

Description of therapy dogs within a court facilities of Australia

Main focus is on child abuse victims

The calming effect that dogs have on victims within this environment

Source 2, programs being implemented within NSW

Source 3, visual evidence of this program

Source 4, real life events happening around Australia where this therapy initiative is being implemented

Source 8, description of the program with involved individuals

Paragraph 5: Benefits of this therapy method

Key findings-

Supporting sources-

New technique of therapy, not enough research has been done thus far

Psychological affect of the therapy on the dog is unknown, may be unethical

Dr Mia Cobb interview response, interviewee is knowledgable on canine welfare

Dr Tiffani Howell interview response, interviewee has done major research on the topic and suggests that more evidence of the benefits is needed

Key findings-

Supporting sources-

Decrease in stress, anxiety and PTSD

Oxytocin release

Describe individuals experience with therapy dogs

Source 1

Rene Martin Harris interview

Source 12

Source 6

Source 8

Key findings-

Supporting sources-

Tessa Stow's influence on AAI in Australia

Source 1

Source 8

Key findings-

Supporting sources-

Refer to all primary and secondary source

Summarise research question

Resolve that future development in this therapy technique will prove to be beneficial to society