Sub-K MSME (New)
CSR's UI --> MSME customer
Quick data entry
Loan Details - Why?! - Auto-calculate
Loan amount
Interest Rate
EMI calculator/ monthly EMI
KYC ID capture (OCR + OTP/ Biometric based consent)
PAN authentication (OCR --> extract Name, Care of, Gender, DOB/ age)
Credit Bureau Check
Mobile no verification (OTP based consent)
DeDupe and ML Model - suggest
Quick loan eligibility check through ML model
GPS Lat, long capture - auto-extract business pincode
Detailed data entry
Applicant Name, Email, Gender, Marital status, Applicant type, Educatoinal qualificatoin, community code, Category, Permanent address, Address line 1, Address line 2, Landmark, Pincode, Village, City , State, Current address, Is your current address same as your permanent address?, Address line 1, Address line 2, Landmark, Pincode, Village, City , State
Nominee details - Nature of account, Name of Nominee, D.O.B, Nominee Age, Relation with applicant, Is nominee address same as customer address?
Income & Expenditure
Business start year/ months + total experience in business
Annual income (household and business), Annual expenditure (household and business), Annual Surplus (household and business)
Loan purpose
Eligibility and demographic questions - Why?! Auto-extract
Eliminate duplication through DeDupe
Witness/ reference details
Family details
Adults, Children (Name, relation, age, gender, occupation, education qualification)
Industry type
Asset Market valuation - Should be used in predicting HH expenses else what's the point of asking?
Livestock, Agricultural Implements, Vehicles, Any other machine+stock (sector code and
sub-sector code)
Existing loan detail - why are we asking? Isn't CB data sufficient?
Source, purpose, amount, outstanding
Document capture - let's also capture bank statement PDF here
Business premise inside with customer or applicant, Business premise outside with customer or applicant, Business document, Customer sign, Family income source, Family income, Electricity Bill, GSTN image, ITR
Guarantor check and details Shouldn't these be captured in quick data entry along with KYC authentication and credit bureau check?
First Name, Last Name, D.O.B, Mobile No, Gender, Permanent address, Address, village, city, state
FX's UI --> MSME customer
Business reference check
Rent or owned
Vintage > 2 years
Local resident?
Customer behavior and market reputation
Employee Details
Non-financial data points
Full-time, part-time
Family, non-family
Municipality Registration
GST registration
ITR filing
Shop electricity bill
Why not captured by CSR at document's pic upload?
Business records/ book-keeping
Housekeeping of business premises - too subjective
Supplier check
In this segment, suppliers are dynamic and may not even be applicable. Moreover, too subjective
Name, Mobile no, Frequency of purchase (per year), Avg purchase each time, Know the client since(yrs), Feedback about client
Cashflow due diligence
Monthly business revenue
Monthly business expenses
Monthly non-business income
Monthly household expenses
Other fixed-obligations
Net monthly saving
Loan purpose, Autocalculated - amount, tenure, EMI
Loan recommendation - amount, tenure, EMI
Cashflow addendum
Whats the purpose?
Business Premises
Nature of business
Business Premise ownership
Business location
No need of subjective judgement. Can be extracted from Google Place API
Credit Bureau History
Analysis can be automated
Banking transactions
Analysis can be automated