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Bard and Faulknet
Chapter 5: Basic Potential Sweep Methods
Overview of Step Experiments
Overview of Techniques
Applicable Current-Potential Characteristics
Potential Step Under Diffusion Control
A Planar Electrode
Semi-Infinite Spherical Diffusion
Microscopic and Geometric Areas
Diffusion-Controlled Currents at ultramicroelectrodes
Types of Ultramicroelectrodes
Responses to a Large-Amplitude Potential Step
Summary of Behavior at Ultramicroelectrodes
Samples-Current Voltammetry for Reversible Electrode Reactions
Voltammetry Based on Linear Diffusion at a Planar Electrode
Stteady-State Voltammetry at a UME
Simplified Current-Concentration Relationships
Applications of Reversible i-E Curves
Sampled-Current Voltammetry for Quasireversible and irreversible electrode reactions
Responses Based on Linear Diffusion at a Planar Electrode
General Current-Time Behaviour at a Spherical Electrode
Steady-state Voltammetry at a UME
Applications of Irreversible i-E Curves
Multicomponent Systems and Multistep Charge Transfer
Chronoamperometric Reversal Techniques
Approaches to the Problem
Current-Time Responses
Large-Amplitude Potential Step
Reversal Experiments Under Diffusion Control
Effects of Heterogeneous Kinetics
9 Special Applications of Ultramicroelectrodes
Chapter 9: Methods Involving Forced-Convection-Hydrodynamic Methods
Theoretical Treatment of Convective Systems
The Convective-Diffusion Equation
Determination of the Velocity Profile
Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE)
Velocity Profile
Solution of the Convective-Diffusion Equation
Concentration Profile
General Current-Potential Curves
Current Distribution
Considerations in Experimental Application of the RDE
Rotating Ring
Transients at the RDE/RRDE
at RDE
Modulated RDE
Hydrodynamic Modulation
Thermal Modulation
Convection at UMEs
Electrohydrodynamics and Related Phenomena
Electroosmotic Flow
Other Electrohydrodynamic Phenomena
Chapter 6: Potential Step Methods
Nernestian (Reversible) Systems
Solution of the Boundary Value Problem
Peak Current and Potential
Spherical Electrodes and UMEs
Effect of Double-Layer Capacitance and Uncompensated Resistance
Totally Irreversible Systems
The Boundary Value Problem
Peak Current and Potential
Quasireversible Systems
Cyclic Voltammetry
Nernstian Systems
Quasireversible Reactions
Multicomponent Systems and Multistep Charge Transfer
Convolutive or Semi-Integral Techniques
Principles and Definitions
Transformation of the Current-Evaluation of I(t)
Irreversible and Quasireversible Reactions
Cyclic Voltammetry of the liquid-liquid interface
Chapter 8: Controlled-Current Techniques
Comparison with Controlled-Potential Methods
Classification and Qualitative Description
General Theory of Controlledcurrent Methods
Mathematics of Semi-Infinite Linear Diffusion
Constant-Current Electrolysis - The Sand Equation
Programmed Current chronopotentiometry
Potential-Time Curves in Constant-current Electrolysis
Reversible (Nernstian) Waves
Totally Irreversible Waves
Quasireversible Waves
General Effects of Double-Layer Capacity
Practical Issues in the Measurement of Transition Time
Reversal Techniques
Response Function Principle
Current Reversal
Multicomponent systems and Multistep reactions
The Galvanotactic Double Pulse Method
Charge step (Coulostatic) methods
Small Signal Analysis
Large Steps-Coulostatic Analysis
Application of Charge-Step Methods
Coulostatic Perturbation by Temperature Jump
Chapter 12: Electrode Reactions with Coupled Homogeneous Chemical Reactions
Classification of Reactions
Reactions with 1 E Step
Reactions with 2 or more E Steps
Effects of Coupled Reactions on Measurements
Time Windows and Accessible Rate Constants
Fun. of Theory for Voltammetric & Chronopotentiometric Methods
Basic Principles
Solution of the ErCi Scheme in Current Step (Chronopotentiometric) Methods
Theory for Transient Voltammetry and Chronopotentiometry
Preceding Reaction-CrE(r)
Preceding Reaction-CrE(i)
Following Reaction-ErC(i)
Following Reaction-EqC(i)
Catalytic Reaction-ErC'(i)
ErEr Reactions
EqEq Reactions
ECE Reactions
Other Reaction Schemes
RRDE Methods
Theoretical Treatments
Preceding Reaction-CrEr
Following Reaction-ErCi
Catalytic Reaction-ErC'i
ECE Reactions
UME Techniques
Sine Wave Methods
Controlled-Potential Coulometric Methods
Theoretical Treatments
Preceding Reaction-CrEr
Following Reaction (ErCi) and Reversal Coulometry
ErCiEr Reactions
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview of Electrode Processes
Non-Faradaic Processes & Electrode-Solution Interface
The Ideal Polarized Electrode
Capacitance and Charge of an Electrode
Brief Description of the Electrical Double Layer
Double-Layer Capacitance and Charging
Current in Electrochemical Measurements
Electrochemical cells and reactions
Electrochemistry |
Branch of chemistry, interrelation of electrical and chemical effects
| Deals with the study of a:chemical changes due to the passage of electrical current & b: production of electrical energy by chemical reactions
Why ECEM? | a:Interested in obtaining thermodynamic data about a reaction
b: generate an unstable intermediae
c: design of new power sources
d: electrosynthesis of products
Faradaic and nonfaradaic processes
Faradaic processes and factors affecting rates of electrode reactions
Electrochemical Cells—Types and Definitions
The Electrochemical Experiment
and Variables in Electrochemical Cells
Factors Affecting Electrode Reaction Rate and Current
Electrochemical Cells and Cell Resistance
Introduction to Mass-Transfer controlled reactions
Modes of Mass Transfer
Semiempirical Treatment of Steady-State Mass Transfer
Semiempirical Treatment of the Transient Response
Semi-empirical treatment of Nernestian reactions (with couple chemical reactions)
Coupled Reversible Reactions
Coupled Irreversible Chemical Reactions
The literature of electrochemistry
Books and monographs
Review Series
World wide web
Chapter 3: Kinetics of Electrode Reactions
Review of Homogeneous Kinetics
Dynamic Equilibrium
The Arrhenius Equation and Potential Energy Surfaces
Transition State Theory
Essentials of Electrode Reactions
Butler-Volmer Model of Electrode Kinetics
Effects of Potential on Energy Barriers
1-step/1-electron Processes
The Standard Rate Constant
The Transfer Coefficient
Implications of Butler-Volmer Model for the 1-step/1-electron processes
Equilibrium Conditions. The Exchange Current
The Current-Overpotential Equation
Approximate Forms of the i-n(overp.) Equation
Exchange Current Plots
Very Facile Kinetics and Reversible Behavior
Effects of Mass Transfer
Multi-step Mechanisms
Rate Determining Electron Transfer
Multi-step Processes at Equilibrium
Nernstian Multistep Processes
Quasireversible and Irreversible Multistep Processes
Microscopic Theories of Charge Transfer
The Marcus Microscopic Model
Predictions from Marcus Theory
A Model Based on Distributions of Energy States
Tunneling and Extended Charge Transfer
Chapter 2: Potentials and Thermodynamics of Cells
Basic electrochemical thermodynamics
Reversibility and Gibbs Free Energy
Free Energy and Cell emf
Half-Reactions and Reduction Potentials
emf and Concentration
Formal Potentials
Reference Electrodes
A more detailed view of interfacial potential differences
The Physics of Phase Potentials
Interactions Between Conducting Phases
Measurement of Potential Differences
Electrochemical Potentials
Fermi Level and Absolute Potential
Liquid junction potentials
Potential Differences at an Electrolyte-Electrolyte Boundary
Types of Liquid Junctions
Conductance, Transference Numbers, and Mobility
Calculation of Liquid Junction Potentials
Minimizing Liquid Junction Potentials
Junctions of Two Immiscible Liquids
Selective Electrodes
Selective Interfaces
Glass Electrodes
Other Ion-Selective Electrodes
Gas-Sensing Electrodes
Enzyme-Coupled Devices
Chapter 4: Mass Transfer by Migration & Diffusion
Derivation of a General Mass Transfer Equation
Mixed Migration and Diffusion Near an Active Electrode
Balance Sheets for Mass Transfer During Electrolysis
Effect of Adding Excess Electrolyte
A Microscopic View - Discontinuous Source Model
Fick's Law of Diffusion
Boundary Conditions in Electrochemical Problems
Solution of Diffusion Equations
Chapter 7: Polarography and Pulse Voltammetry
Behavior at Polarographic Electrodes
The Dropping Mercury and Static Drop Method
Diffusion-Limited Responses at DME and SMDE
Polarographic Analysis
Effect of Mercury Column Height at a DME
Residual Current
Reversible Systems
Irreversible Systens
Pulse Voltammertry
Tast Polarography and Staircase Voltammetry
Normal Pulse Voltammetry
Reverse Pulse Voltammetry
Differential Pulse Voltammetry
Square Wave Voltammetry
Analysis by Pulse Voltammetry