safety in home

safety in cars

safety around roads

safety labels

first aid


call 999/112

give lots of info to the ambulance

moniter level of response

if they have burnt lips give them sips of cold water or milk

if they vomit keep a sample for the ambulance

dont try to make them throw up


clear away objects and place something soft around them

try to cool them down

if seizures stop put them in the recovery position then call 999

moniter level of response and try to keep baby calm

baby recovery position

do primary survey

keep checking for breathing

cradle the baby in your arms with their head tilted downwards

call for help


start with five puffs

then thirty pumps

followed by two puffs

continue with thirty pumps to two puffs until help arrives

baby CPR

make a seal around the mouth and nose, give a breath in for about a second and give five initial rescue breaths

use two fingers in the centre of the chest and push down one third of its depth

on a firm surface open the airway, pick out any visible obstruction

give thirty pumps at a rate of 100-120 pumps per minute

if youre alone give 5 puffs followed by CPR for one minute before calling for help


scenario 2: the baby is no longer breathing but is conscious- 5 blows to the back and 5 chest compressions and alternate

scenario 3: the baby is no longer breathing and is unconscious - call 999, 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths

scenario 1: the baby is breathing- do nothing

burns and scalds

run under a cool tap for ten mins

call 111 to ask for advice

if going to hospital lightly cover with clingfilm to stop fluff from sticking

if its on face,palm,neck or genitials go to hospital

if it goes round a limb go to the hospital

if it covers more than their palm go to hospital

if its worse than a first degree burn go to hospital or if its a chemical burn


this means that garments carrying this label have not passed the test for low flammability. extra care must be taken when anywhere near a flame or fire


this is the the toy manufacturers self declaration that their product meets basic EU legal requirements. this is not a safety symbol


this symbol is only found on British made toys and means that they have met the safety standards required


this means that the covers and filling of the goods meet the fire resistance regulations


this means the toy is unsuitable for children under three years old- for instance because it might contain small parts, it is important to choose the right toy for the age of the child.


this confirms that the british standards institution (BSI) has tested a product and found it meets a particular standard

lounge/bedroom hazards

drinking alcohol

hot tea



open window

open drawers

kitchen hazards

plastic bag

hard boiled sweet





the hob



garden/shed hazards



stinging nettles


broken glass




weed killer

bathroom hazards

electricity near water




hot water

slippery floor


parked cars block vision to cross safely

running across road and tripping

speeding cars

crossing roads on a corner

bikes on paths

child walking on curb( could fall off or vehicle could mount curb)

biking with no helmet

biking in the dark with no lights or reflective clothing

green cross code

find a safe place to cross (no corners)

stand on the pavement near the curb

look both ways for traffic and listen

if traffic is coming let it pass and look all around again

when there is no traffic walk straight across the road

keep listening and looking for traffic while looking

it is the drivers responsbility that everyone wears a seatbelt

back doors have a safety lock on the doors that can only be opened from the outside

most backdoors can only open to a certain extent


