PESTICIDES AND FERTILIZERS : -Ban all to forbide all" weed and feed" type fertilizers. -set and enforce buffer zones where fertlizers and pesticides may not be applied. -buffer zones should be applied around areas such as : WATER BODIES, WETLANDS , AQUATIC SYSTEMS, HUMAN USE AREAS - MINIMIZE BUFFER ZONES should be set at 10 feet ( 3.05 mts ) maybe need to be larger . -develop written safety reqs for proper storage ( labeling, trasporting, application, and disposal of fertlizers, pesticides, left lover mixtures and containers. Refer to appropiate local, state and federal regulations. -OUTLINE PROCEDURES and list contacts for handing accidentals splis of pesticides and fertilizers. -Require detailed record keeping for the application of any fertilizers or pesticides , including substance used , concentration , total volume applied, area treated, target species, weather, and environmental conditions. -COMMUNICATE POLICIES TO ALL FACILITIES OPERATORS, AINTENANE CONTRACTROS AND OTHER RELEVANT PARTIES.
PESTICIDES - Establish action thresholds that define population levels and approach management strategies that maybe used reduce them. -Physical and mechanical controls should be implemented first, then biotic controls, target chemical controls should be a last resort. - require prior notification to all site users and to the public when chemica lpesticides will be applied.dfine how and when communication will be given ( location, size, and numer of posted signs, office memo) - specify whe use of the third party certified service providers when pest control services are contract to. ( ecowise, greenshield, or equivalent - integrated pest management( IPM) service providers, when pest control services are contracte out
FERTLIZERS- Outilne the need of use - require soil or plant tissue testing - define theresolds and sets levels for fertlizers concentrations and frequency of application according to testing results - define how much watershould be applied after fertilizer applicationsand fertlizers concentratiosn , specify the use of service providers that have current certifications in fertilizer BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES WHEN FERTLIZATION SERVICES ARE CONTRACTED