Phonetis and Phonology
"Is the science which studies human speech sounds. It tells us how sounds are produced, thus describing the articulatory and acoustic properties of sounds" pag 29 English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers
Phonetics and phonology is the study of "speech sounds and how they are used in language" Pag 1 English Phonetics and Phonology A practical course
"phonology is a branch of linguistics, the other major areas being grammar including syntax) and semantics... phonology is a kind of functional phonetics which employs this data to study the sound systems of languages"
Branches of phonetic
Auditory phonetics
Acoustics phonetics
"Is concerned with hearing and the perception of speech, or our response to
speech sounds as received through the ear and brain." Pag 30 English phonetics and phonology for spanish spanish speakers
Articulatory phonetics
"studies the physical properties of speech sounds during transmission from speaker to hearer " Pag 30 English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers
Are all those sounds used to express something in a language, that is, vowels and consonants.
Is when there is no phonetic opposition or semantic change between 2 sounds but the is a contrast between these sounds.
"Are statements of permissible strings of phonemes Two given languages may have certain sounds in common, but these sounds may not be combined in the same way" Pag 33 English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers
Phonetics and phonology interface
Language universals
Is the study about the pattern of the english language and his organization.
phonological universals
Morphological universals
Syntactic universals
"phonetics provides information on the physiological and acoustic properties of sounds" Pag 37 phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
"phonology investigates what properties have a functional, communicative value" Pag 37 phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
pike said (1947: 57): Iphonetics gathers raw material. phonemics ( phonology) cooks it" Pag 37 phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
WordYorder universals
"Languages with dominant VSO (VerbYSubjectYObject) order usually have the adjective after the noun" Pag 41English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
"If a language has the category of gender (masculine and feminine), it also has the category of number (singular and
plural)" Pag 41English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
"Short vowels, like the one in English ship, imply long ones, like that of sheep" Pag 41English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
"Languages with dominant VSO (VerbYSubjectYObject) order almost always have prepositions" Pag 41English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
"the vowels in the words 'pin'
and 'pen'... or the vowels of 'pet' and 'bet'. " Pag 2 English Phonetics and Phonology A practical course
units of speech
"If a language has inflection... it always has derivation" Pag 41English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
"If a language has nasalized vowel
phonemes, it also has oral vowel phonemes" Pag 41English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
"Languages with
dominant SOV (SubjectYObjectYVerb) order often have postpositions" Pag 41English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers.
In english the words ant (short "a") and mad (large "a") have the same semantic and phonemic, but there is a contrast
"In English theta [θ] can be followed by
[r] at the beginning of words (as in three, thread, thrill, etc.), in Spanish this is not a possible consonant
sequence" Pag 33 English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers
"describes the way the sounds are delivered" pag 30 English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers
"(the use of the pitch of the voice to convey meaning)" Pag 3 English Phonetics and Phonology A practical course
"(which could be roughly described as the relative strength of a syllable) " Pag 3 English Phonetics and Phonology A practical course
"studies the nature and limits of the human ability to
produce speech sounds " pag 30 English phonetics and phonology for spanish speakers