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Misconceptions about the Dark ages, Poor people didnt have water, The…
Misconceptions about the Dark ages
All medieval people
were belivers
Many people were devotees , but poor people had they’re own thoughts about religion.
There were clandestine jewish, muslim, islamic, and judaist communities all over europe
Some people like the vikings believed
in their own culture but after some events their
form of believing in gods changes making them or
believers of other religions or not believing in this anymore
The middle ages were not a century of european history, they were deffined the first time like a series of centuries because during this time were alot of periods like the baroque or the romantic periods happened.
During that same time, arab civilization flourished
They still survived after the Byzantium for 1000 years, but europe was the topic of focus of historians
This is not true. Poor people had water but It was very poor quality bacause there wasn't a constant supply of clean water. In the other hand, rich people had water pure water. Poor people dissolved distilled licour into the water for it to be slightly cleaner
Poor people had a limited supply of water, this caused the spread of many dangerous deseases like tuberculosis and the very known black plague
People did not reject science
People could make deductions on information but they were silenced by the church. Isidore of seville calculated the length of the equator was 80,000 stadia but the information was not heard because it made assumptions about the earth being spherical
The bible refered a lot to being pushed out of earth's borders as a punishment in hell, so it was unthinkable that the earth would be spherical if the bible said it was flat
All the lack of information and denial of science ended at the begginig of the rennassance. In october 12, 1492 when Cristofer Columbus discovered America
It is true that there was phisical and cultural decay in europe by this time, this was not an age were progress stopped.
It is true that most people were against following the roman traditions, but the benedictine monks could recover scrolls to take advantage of the greek and roman knowledge about math, philosofy, astronomy, and navigation
This time was full of physical and cultural decay. It was full of abysmal terrors, fanatiscism, intolerance, plagues, famines, massacres, etc
It is true that before the year 1000, progress decayed because of the barbarian invasions, but the monks in the monasteries didnt stop to share information with the villages nearby their monasteries
Like gombrich said, the middle ages were like a starry night, there was darkness everywhere but there were still stars giving light
The middle ages did not ignore classical culture
It is true that most people seemed the roman culture as something sinful and pagan, but the bennedictine monks used the scrolls to preserve some of the ancient knowledge
The monks even shared their knowledge with the villages near their monasteries.
Without the efforts of the monks in collecting knowledge, a lot of the history and knowledge the greeks and romans had recorded would be lost in time
The Middle Ages had dark times, the Roman churches were infested with demons and infernal elements caused by the torture done. but not everything was dark since it is the period in which the reduction of light occurs.
When the light was rediscovered, its beauty and its colors were identified, which were red, blue, gold, silver, bank and green, this was the combination of this.
It is still thought that in the Middle Ages, everything was about violence, but this is not true. Clearly atrocious events occurred but an example that not everything was terrible at this time wasthe creation of love cuts. This was a type of love that was true, not for arranged marriages
by that time they had already lost several historical texts made in the past, not all of them had been lost, there were texts made by Horacio, Virgilio, Lucano etc ...
these writings were in the massive libraries of the monastirios.
During the dark ages people didn't study
This can be considered partially fake because in the monastery the kids learned how to write, read, speak latin and the bible
Also this can be considered true because the poor people didn't had the forms to learn in that period of time or they fear about legends such as dragons, wizards or witches.
The greek and roman
culture was lost
In this period of time the greek and roman culture was put apart of the society but some people saved some anciant texts about it and studied them conserving the culture and languages
Poor people didnt
have water
The medieval centuries were not a dark age
The middle ages
were a century of european
not all was violence