Activity 1: Vocabulary Review Students will review key terms and ideas, like the number line, positive, negative, real numbers, etc. Students will create their vocabulary list using a graphic organizer. Next, they will create their own set of flashcards to demonstrate their knowledge. Students will be encouraged to use words and/or visuals to represent each term. With partners, they will review the flash cards created.
Activity 2: Identifying Numbers on a Number Line Practice Using their number line slider, students will be given a set of flash cards positive and negative numbers. With partners, they will go through the set of flash cards to identify where each number is. Next, they will use a worksheet to record their answers.
Activity 3: Using the Number Line: Using their number line slider, students will be given another set of flash cards. These cards will have problems involving addition/subtraction of positive/negative integers.
Sample Problems for Oval Group:
(+) plus (+) = (+)
(+) minus (+) = (+) or (-)
(-) plus (+) = (+) or (-)
(-) plus (-) = (-)
IF TIMES ALLOWS: Activity 4: Number Line Game: Students will play a game in groups of 2-4. The goal is to whoever has the highest integer at the end of 10 rounds, is the winner. To move up or down the number line, players take runs rolling a dice, which has numbers between -3 to 3 (omitting 0). Students may use their number line slider as an aid. This idea is based on Mama Jenn's idea for a number line addition game using positive integers.