HIS SUFFERING (timeline)
One person that posses two nature
omniscience, omnipotent, omnipresence, self-existence, eternity, so on
Ability to get hungry, ignorance of certain things, experience anger.
False teachings
Old testamnet
New testament
Angry God, involves killing, curses and war
Lovable GOD. Love, grace, forgiveness
Old testament
New testament
Jesus is a creature of GOD
Jesus more than human but less divine
Met Pontius Pilate
Charge against him
Fifth Roman governor of Judea.
Cruel, arbitrary and disdainful towards jews
Jesus or Barabbas
accusation against claims of Jesus being the "King of the Jews"
Present political threat to prosecutor and emperor
Barabbas is a murderer
Crowd chose Barabbas to be freed because chief priest persuaded them to.
When victim is hanged and whipped. Unlimited amount of hits.
Mockery of the King
put reed in his hand
Crown of thorns put on his head
Soldiers strip Jesus naked
all 600 soldiers mocked Jesus
Torturous Roman execution. Only for most heinous criminals. Very very painful.
Executed on hill near city of Jerusalem
Friday, April 7, 30 AD on a Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Jesus executed as political criminal
Third Hour
Events of passion happened in intervals of 3 hours. Indicate that this isn't a coincidence
9 A.M. is third hour.
Death of Jesus
Darkness covered everywhere for 3 hours
3 o'clock Jesus says prayers stated in Psalm 22: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"