
Ⅰ. 主詞+動詞

  • 副詞、介系詞短語、副詞短語

(Once upon a time,) a pretty girl lived (in the woods) (with her family).

Ⅱ. 主詞+動詞+補充語


  • 補充語由名詞形容詞構成。

⑴ be動詞表「是」及become:
ex: I am a doctor.
★ be動詞表「存在、有」時,不需SC。
ex: God is everywhere. (不用SC,屬第Ⅰ類。)
ex: The girl is in the kitchen. (S+V+介短,屬第Ⅰ類。)

⑵ 感官動詞:後面必接adj.
→ look、sound、smell、taste、feel、turn、seem
ex: You look beautiful.

Ⅲ. 主詞+動詞+受詞

  • 只有名詞(代名詞)可做受詞。

ex: You want happy. (X) → You want happiness. (O)

ex: She resembles with my mother. (X) → She resembles my mother. (O)
→ with my mother為副詞短語(介+名),resemble後面應直接接受詞(名詞)。

Ⅳ. 主詞+動詞+間受(人)+主受(物)

  • 第Ⅳ類轉第Ⅲ類:
    ex: I gave him money. → I gave money to him.
  • 使用for的動詞:
    Make, Buy (Build), Cook (Choose), Get, Order, Leave, Find
    ex: I cooked him soup. → I cooked soup for him.
  • ask是唯一用of的動詞:
    ex: May I ask you a favor? → May I ask a favor of you?

Ⅴ. 主詞+動詞+受詞+補充語


  • 只有名詞(代名詞)、形容詞可作補充語:
    ex: The audience found the drummer's shots fun.
    →此處fun是當形容詞補充說明the drummer's shouts。
  • 感官動詞:受詞補語可用原V(Ving)
    ex: I saw her clean(ing) the room.
  • 使役動詞:受詞補語可原V(不可用Ving)
    ex: My dad had me clean the car.
  • have:當受詞和受詞補語是主動關係時且正在進行時:
    ex: I had a kite flying high in the sky.
  • 例外:get(to+原V)、help(原V)
    ex: My mom got me to clean my room.
    ex: The teahcer helped me study English.