How can I improve my practice in the classroom to help improve the learning of children with Working Memory issues.

Difficulty with working memory

Research into Implications of Working memory


Lack of additional support

Lack of TA funding

Implications for my Future practice

My Teacher Identity: How will this impact this exploration? How else can I adapt my teaching to help these children learn?

Social Communication

Seating Arrangements

Classroom management :

Friendship groups

Use of additional adults

Mental Health

SEND code of practice



Communities of Practice

Trafford Council

Discussion with School Senco leader

Ed Psyche and Nurse

Relationships with colleagues

Effective communication with Parents

Deploy additional adults effectively

Reflexivity: Bias when marking

Izadina reading (2013)

training days

Key stage meetings

Lesson observations

Teaching Standards

Neoliberism: Would this affect social funding?

How can I utilise my time better?

Daily journal

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is the SEND code of practice too narrow?

Implications of the Primary teacher to fulfil the support for aged 0 - 25

The reality of Health, social care and Education effectively working together

What is a 'reasonable adjustment?'


Maths ability is really low, at 3 years below age range.

Literacy and writing strength but composition poor

Easily distracted

Cannot process too much information

Fails to complete tasks

Does not engage properly in the normal pace of classroom activities

struggles with complex tasks, scientific or mathematical

trouble with answering questions appropriately

Easily frustrated and overwhelmed, especially at the end of the day

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