The Spanish Constitution
Constitution of 1978: document that present the most important principles and values of the country: freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism.
Outlines the government's organisation and obligations
Approved on 6 December 1978
Territorially decentralised state.
Democratic state: Citizens power to vote
Parliamentary monarchy: King Head of State. Parliament: Makes and approves laws
The spanish state symbols
Flag: has three: horizontal stripes: red, yellow and red
National anthem: Is called the Marcha Real and it has no words
Coat of arms: made up of six other
Constitutions: Three powers
Executive: Select a Prime Minister ( Head of government) and appoints the Ministers.
Judicial: Judges and magistrates make sure people respect and obey the law.
Spanish Monarchy
Congress: The lower house
Senate: The upper house
Parliament: Writes the laws
Spain parliamentary monarchy: King or queen Head of State
Head of State (King Felipe VI) : not make laws, rpresents Spain
Princess of Asturias, Leonor, geir to throne after her father